Funding Support for R&D within the ICT Sector FP7 comes to an end this year. The Commission want to carry on funding Research and Innovation The replacement scheme is called Horizon 2020 – it is still under development and not all the details are yet public. What follows is what we know today, and are reasonably sure that it represents the future.
Agenda 12:30 Registration and Networking Lunch 13:30 Welcome and Introduction Eddie Townsend, ICT KTN 13:40 Agenda and Objectives Eddie Townsend, ICT KTN 13:50 Why EU Funding Eddie Townsend 14:00 Case Study Video – Do’s & Don'ts 14:05 Horizon 2020 – ICT for the Future Peter Walters, ICT National Contact Point 14:35 Q&A 14:40 Refreshment and Networking Break 15:00 Support in your area – EEN London Carolina Fernandes, Enterprise Europe 15:30 Case Study – Avanti Ltd Graham Peters, Avanti 15:45 ICT KTN & ICT National Contact Point Support 16:00 Panel Session All Speakers 16:30 Surgeries 17:00 Event close Welcome to this Horizon 2020 webinar sponsored by the Information Communications Technology Knowledge Transfer Network and jointly presented by Peter Walters the UK ICT National contact Point and me, Eddie Townsend Collaboration Delivery Manager with the ICT KTN. The presentation will take approximately 30mins followed by a further 30mins for questions. Please feel free to post your questions at any time and then at the end of the presentation Peter and I will attempt to answer as many questions as possible with in the allotted time. However if we do run out of time before we have an opportunity to answer your question then our contact details will be given at the end of the presentation and we will be happy to assist you.
Collaboration Innovation Networks Capabilities Markets Why EU Funding…….. Collaboration Innovation Networks Capabilities Markets Money
Innovation Delivering new and valued products and services that meet customer requirements and satisfy revenue / margin growth targets Or Widening perspective to recognise disruptive threats and opportunities in emerging and potentially competing markets Horizon 2020 Investment in your organisation Building a strategic vision Building commercial alliances and networks
Why Innovate 50% of a technology companies revenue in 5 years time will be from things they have no knowledge of today The pace of innovation is accelerating and for an organisation to compete on a global basis investment in R&D is essential, but for a small company this can be expensive and risky. The balancing act of supporting existing business whilst at the same time developing new products out of a limited set of resources is always an issue. However there is a thought that for technology companies 50% of your potential revenue in 5 years time will come from something you know nothing about today. I would argue that this time scale is now much short and getting less every year. So in many cases it make sense to collaborate with others to develop new technologies and this is the area where Horizon 2020 and other similar schemes come into play. However it is important to understand the type of research the Commission is seeking to fund…
And have the capability to use Things no one knows about Why Collaborate New products do not just come from the ownership of technology but also from the capabilities of people to use it Prof Ian Philips (ARM) Collaboration builds capability Product Development Things we know about And have the capability to use Collaborative Research New Capabilities Corporate Research Things we don’t know But others do Owning technology is of limited value without the capability to use it in an innovative way to develop new and ground breaking products and services. In the context of the majority of Horizon 2020 it is not about scientific research, in other words things no one knows about, its more about collaboratively bringing together and developing technology to come up with new innovations to solve real world problems. In other words things we don’t know about but others do. The grey area in the chart describes this area of collaborative research covered by the new programme. A feature of Horizon 2020 will be a greater desire on the part of the Commission to see development take place closer to market than in FP7. The programme will help your organisation to collaborate with other leading organisations of all types and sizes, develop innovation to bring disruptive products and services to market and to develop the capabilities of your team….. Now its always good to get direct feedback from people how have used and benefitted from European funding and I would now like to introduce a short case study presented by Martin McHugh of Microsemi. New Technologies Scientific Research Things no one knows about 5 – 10 Years 2 to 5 yrs < 2yrs
Agenda 12:30 Registration and Networking Lunch 13:30 Welcome and Introduction Eddie Townsend, ICT KTN 13:40 Agenda and Objectives Eddie Townsend, ICT KTN 13:50 Why EU Funding Eddie Townsend 14:00 Case Study Video – Do’s & Don'ts 14:05 Horizon 2020 – ICT for the Future Peter Walters, ICT National Contact Point 14:35 Q&A 14:40 Refreshment and Networking Break 15:00 Support in your area – EEN London Carolina Fernandes, Enterprise Europe 15:30 Case Study – Avanti Ltd Graham Peters, Avanti 15:45 ICT KTN & ICT National Contact Point Support 16:00 Panel Session All Speakers 16:30 Surgeries 17:00 Event close Welcome to this Horizon 2020 webinar sponsored by the Information Communications Technology Knowledge Transfer Network and jointly presented by Peter Walters the UK ICT National contact Point and me, Eddie Townsend Collaboration Delivery Manager with the ICT KTN. The presentation will take approximately 30mins followed by a further 30mins for questions. Please feel free to post your questions at any time and then at the end of the presentation Peter and I will attempt to answer as many questions as possible with in the allotted time. However if we do run out of time before we have an opportunity to answer your question then our contact details will be given at the end of the presentation and we will be happy to assist you.
National Support 8
NCP Structure (1) National NCP Coordinator Legal and Financial aspects SMEs* Access to Finance* European Research Council 'Future and Emerging Technologies' 'Marie Curie actions on skills, training and career development' 'European research infrastructures 'Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)' 'Nanotechnologies, advanced materials and advanced manufacturing and processing' Task to be performed in liaison with Enterprise Europe Network, according to the national situation There will be a plurality of National Contact points to help you to understand the Commission’s offer and to benefit from it.
NCP Structure (2) 'Space' 'Health, demographic change and wellbeing' 'Food security, sustainable agriculture, marine and maritime research and the bio-economy'; & 'Biotechnology' 'Secure, clean and efficient energy' 'Smart, green and integrated transport' 'Climate action, resource efficiency and raw materials' 'Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies' 'Security' Euratom Joint Research Centre Oh Golly there are a lot of us. You can find all our e-mail addresses on the website I’ll mention in a moment
ICT National Contact Point Technology Strategy Board: Business Support Group 0300 321 4357 FP7UK ICT Web Presence Twitter @eurobits But if you are into ICT It’s me you want to talk to – and here are my contact details Peter Walters 012 434 303 70 Useful Files:
FP7UK National Contact Points: Advice and Assistance in the UK FP7UK National Contact Points: Technology Strategy Board: Business Support Group: 0300 321 4357 ICT Web Presence Peter Walters ICT National Contact Point 012 434 303 70 Or Get help from ICT KTN – Eddie Townsend UK wide Master Classes (Monitor ICTKTN web site for details) Review short presentations for anyone attending the Commission Events Advice on any aspect of participation M: 07766688752 This has been a short overview of the opportunities currently on offer and you will need help and support to carry it through. This support is available from many sources but specifically today we offer help from Peter Walters of the national Contact Point organization and from myself Eddie Townsend at the ICT KTN. Peter will be able to provide more detail about the work programme than has been possible today. I run a continuous series of regional Master Classes and details of these are posted on the ICT KTN web site. In addition if you are intending to attend one of the Commission events described earlier then I am willing to review your presentation and offer any further advice on Horizon 2020 participation.