Global Forest Information Service


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Presentation transcript:

Global Forest Information Service GFIS - GFIS is an internet gateway that provides access to forest-related information through a single entry point.

GFIS history Based on IFF request IUFRO developed a GFIS information server and a web-interface A special “GFIS Africa” project was implemented to strengthen institutional capacities in Africa A GFIS prototype was successfully demonstrated at the XII World Forestry Congress in Quebec, Canada, 2003. GFIS became CPF initiative 2004

GFIS and CPF GFIS, like other CPF initiatives, builds on contributions from CPF members under the overall guidance of CPF. IUFRO leads the initiative together with FAO, CIFOR, CAB International and the UNFF secretariat. To be expanded

Why is GFIS attractive? GFIS enhances access to all types of forest information for all stakeholders, including governments, researchers, forest managers, NGOs, community groups and the public at large. GFIS contributes to an improved understanding of complex forest-related issues, to better decision-making and to facilitate a more informed public engagement in forest policy and forest management at all levels.

What GFIS does? GFIS catalogues key information resources, such as news, meetings and publications, provided by partners. Searching among these resources at is free and provides direct access to the original information. GFIS provides an open exchange standard for its information categories. The standard helps partners to generate their inputs and allows them to manage their contributions to GFIS. The standard is based on the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DMCI) and on AGRIS (FAO) metadata schemas. GFIS also maintains and publishes a database of partner information services, as well as a Google-based search tool.

GFIS is a partnership All information available through GFIS is provided by organizations around the world concerned with forests and forestry. Partners also contribute to system and partnership enhancements, as well as capacity building efforts to strengthen developing country institutions. GFIS, like other CPF initiatives, is entirely built on the commitments of its partners.

GFIS generates benefits for both providers and users of information, especially in developing countries For users Easier and more efficient access to world-wide forest information Improved networking among forestry professionals

Benefits of GFIS For GFIS information providers Improved visibility Opportunities for cost-effective dissemination of information Opportunities for enhancing internal information management Exchange of knowledge with other information providers Opportunities for increased user feedback

Milestones A production version of the Global Forest Information Service (GFIS) has been published on GFIS is being presented as a tool to provide your information to the forestry community at the IUFRO World Congress in Brisbane in August 2005