Cloning Natural and Artificial Natural cloning = asexual reproduction
What have these got in common? tuber All are structures which allow asexual reproduction stolons bulb
Asexual reproduction When organisms reproduce without the help of another organism, it is called asexual (without sex). The offspring are the result of a special form of growth called mitosis. All offspring are genetic clones of the parent. This is common in plants, who also reproduce sexually. Asexual reproduction also occurs, rarely, in some animals (e.g. aphids)
Advantages of asexual reproduction Extension material Advantages: Rapid way of increasing your numbers No need to find a mate (perhaps the organism is the first of its kind to arrive in a new habitat). Disadvantage: No genetic variety amongst the offspring (why might this cause problems?)
Artificial Asexual Reproduction CLONING Artificial Asexual Reproduction
Plants #1 Cuttings: The cutting, when placed in moist conditions, will often form new roots at its base.
Plants #2 Micropropagation: Many thousands of identical copies of an original plant can be made. Tissue is removed from growing parts of the plant, cleaned and then placed in a sterile growth medium together with hormones to promote growth of shoots and roots.
Methods and Reasons for artificially cloning plants Cuttings and micropropagation Reasons for artificially cloning plants: ok, you tell me…..
Cloning in animals
Two techniques It is now possible to clone animals using two different techniques: Embryo splitting – no need to learn this one Nuclear transfer (this is the only technique that will give you an exact copy of the original parent)
Dolly the Sheep Made using the nuclear transfer technique.
Your task Using this PowerPoint and other resources available to you: Describe the technique of micro-propagation in plants. (4) Describe the technique of nuclear transfer in animals. (4) Suggest possible uses and benefits of cloning technology. (4) Describe any concerns that people might have about misuse of this technology. (4) Science Explained, explains cloning, cell biology and developmental biology. Care and Handling of Micropropagated Plants La Pivoinerie D'Aoust- November 2000 Feature Article