Assertive Mentoring Welcome pupils In association with
Today’s Aims? to explain what Assertive Mentoring is to see how it will work in our school to see how it will benefit you Outline to pupils how pleased you are with the school’s current achievements but you are keen for them to be even better
Why Assertive Mentoring? It’s a proven system nationally. It works and it works for ALL pupils. Assertive Mentoring isn’t for specific children. It’s for ALL pupils. It motivates them to want to do their best.
Assertive Mentoring Model The Child T I M C Targets and tracking Interventions Mentor and motivate Checking Briefly outline the model to pupils. It starts with pupils’ targets. The school systematically tracks pupil progress against the targets. Teachers intervene quickly if pupils look like dropping off trajectory. Making sure they keep on track. The mentoring makes sure pupils are crystal clear about how they are progressing; what they need to do next & the help they will be given to get there.
High achievement leads to happy pupils “There is a sense of joy about the school. The atmosphere is wonderful, smiles abound and pupils are polite and extremely well behaved.” (Red Hall Primary School OfSTED Report) Point out that when pupils are achieving well they are happy. In that sense, it’s transformational.
It starts with you being set targets: by the senior staff Teachers work with you Ambitious & achievable Now just go through how the systems work in a little more detial. Tell them about how the target setting works.
Long Term Targets: End of Key Stage End of year Reading, Writing Maths Science These are set by the SLT
track pupil progress against the targets A key part of the system is the tracking of progress towards targets. This is simple and frequent. It makes clear to pupils where pupils are in relation to their targets & what needs to happen next Teachers regularly track your progress towards the targets & make sure you stay on track track pupil progress against the targets
KS2: Track attainment progress (Exp) Y2 (2B) School Target Y3 (2A/3C) Y4 (3A) Y5 (3A/4B) Y6 (5C) Read 2B S2E 5C S5D 3C S3R 4C S4E 4A S5R Write 4B S4S Maths 2A S2S S3E 3B S3D Science 3A S4R Looking at data this way means you can see the big picture. It’s obvious to the child, the parent and the teacher where this child’s issue is! It’s data that’s easy to understand and makes clear where intervention is needed.
Medium Term Targets: End of term End of half term Attainment Achievement Attitude These are set by the teacher and are consistent with pupils’ LTTs
Short Term Targets: End of week End of lesson Work specific Informs feedback Focus for marking These are set by teacher or TA and are always steps towards MTTs
Marking & feedback against targets is by colour Red Yellow Green very poor poor satisfactory good very good excellent little effort, not your best many errors untidy, poor presentation targets not achieved Stop and get help good effort but could be better some errors but mostly correct mostly neat presentation targets partly achieved Continue with care super effort no or very few errors beautifully presented targets fully achieved Go! Inform pupils that the school will use a colour coding system for feeding back on attainment, achievement and attitude to pupils and parents. It’s clear and simple.
Track attitude progress Last year T1 T2 T3 Attendance 98% 96% 92% Punctuality Behaviour Effort Homework Uniform We also track progress in attitude using the colour coding system
Mentoring Meetings: Mentor = Teacher, TA or SLT Meet every term as minimum Every half term if needed Meetings last 10-15 min Must be 1:1 Must be out of class Must be Assertive Include parent consultations These are ongoing conversations which identify where pupils are; what they need to do next: how the school will ensure they get there.
Benefits for children Know here they are Relevant intervention Focussed teaching Know here they are Relevant intervention Personalised learning Motivation Targets met Success Why would you not want this – you will get all these things
Parental Communication We will send parents a pupil profile summarising your progress against your targets every half term You might want to have a copy of the Pupil Profile to show parents what they will be getting. Parents get an updated pupil profile each half term.
Your questions answered Now take questions.