Take a Position
Your Title Page By First and Last Name
INTRODUCTION Write an Introduction three different ways: Straight Lead that introduces your topic with definition Feature Lead that tells a story as an analogy/metaphor Editorial Lead that shows cause and effect using classification
Narration Present Essential Background (w/citations) for both sides of the issue At least two outside voices Identify Main Concepts Define Key Terms
THESIS/ASSERTION Introduce your argument three different ways: Thesis = claim (textual fact) Major Claim = Introduce Topic/Text, give argument Complex Claim – universal problem + solution Use a subordinate clauses to acknowledge the position Ex: George Bush started the war in Iraq so he could create other options for US oil exports Ex: Except for medical reasons, marijuana should be illegal because it produces higher crime and public health concerns.
CONCESSION Give credit to opposing side for a good idea – VISUAL Agree with one aspect from the opposition – Formal CITATION
REBUTTAL Explain why the idea to which you concede is not as strong as one of your own claims Ex: Ambassador John Smith, to solidify US position, argues . . ., but -OR- Explain how the idea to which you concede is conditional upon some other factors Use Infinitive Phrase to discuss position Ex: To be correct, Ambassador John Smith would have to . . .
Checklist: CHOICE OF EVIDENCE List Specific evidence you could use Current Events Historical Events Personal Experiences Literature/Books/News That help build your case . . .
TYPES OF EVIDENCE Choose the evidence that best works for your case and write a full sentence for each: Emotional (Anecdotes) using paraphrase Logical (facts, stats, data) using formal citations Ethical (values, morals, propaganda, appeals) using embedded citations
CLAIM #1 Write a complete sentence that states your claim (with VISUAL) Use a Participle Phrase (verb acting as adjective) to emphasize time and subordinate clause to supplement your argument Ex: Acting in its own self interest, US foreign policy fails if military action becomes our primary response
Backing: WORD OR PHRASE Use IMAGES with verbal explanations Present specific evidence to support your claims In March 2003, US forces attacked Iraq’s capital of Baghdad. Secretary of State, explaining the US position to the UN said on February 5 “every statement I make today is backed up by sources, solid sources. These are not assertions. What we're giving you are facts and conclusions based on solid intelligence” (John Schwartz, UN Deception, Mother Jones: 2005)
CLAIM #2 Write a complete sentence that states your claim (with VISUAL) Use an Infinitive Phrase (to+verb answering “why”) to emphasize time and subordinate clause to supplement your argument Ex: To conceal his position, President Bush called US ambitions “War” so now foreign policy was patriotic.
BASIC CONCLUSION Rule of 3 Fact, Detail, Interpretation Restate (rewrite not recopy) assertion Summarize/List Major Points Present Thematic Conclusions
THEMATIC CONCLUSION Use image that illustrates your closing statement How will this issue affect the audience? How does this topic address the Human Condition?
WORKS CITED PAGE Use variety of sources Cite Visual Sources you have used in this presentation Use MLA Format
PRESENTATION TIPS Consider your audience Use more images than written words for the VISUAL Explain the visuals with specific details Make Eye Contact Maintain adequate volume Consider posture and body language