Spring Course Registration This is a presentation created to help guide students and parents through the Registration process for rising 11th grade students at Mallard Creek High School. You are receiving a copy of your transcript and registration card for next school year. These are very important papers and will need to come back with you when you meet with a counselor to review registration selections. Registration will be different this year, so please listen carefully to these instructions given in the PowerPoint. Rising 11th grade students
Transcripts Check Student information for correctness Credit History Performance Information To graduate students need 4 English, 3 Science, 4 Social Studies, 4 Math Credits, 1 Health & PE, and 8 elective Credits Transcripts Each student has been given a copy of their transcript. Please review it for accuracy and to understand yourself academically. Transcripts are what colleges and military recruiters look at to determine a students admission eligibility. Please review the Student Information section of your transcript. If the address and phone number are incorrect please contact the Schools registrar Ms. Palmieri to have this information updated. In the second highlighted section you will see your credit history. This tells which courses you took, the grade you received, and the amount of quality points you receive based on the final grade which determine your GPA. In the Performance Information section of the transcript you will see your cumulative weighted and unweighted Grade Point Average (GPA).
Mallard Creek Registration card Take your registration card and transcript home. From today until February 24th, you are to review the card and mark your selections on the card. Have a conversation about the classes you wish to sign up for WITH YOUR PARENTS or GUARDIANS. If you have questions about a course, speak with a counselor on duty in the cafeteria during lunch, speak to a teacher who teaches the course this year, OR utilize the High School Planning guide that is available on the CMS website and the Mallard Creek website Students who had English 1st semester should consult the Registration calendar that will be available on the Mallard Creek website to see what day they will meet with a counselor to go over their registration. On the day of your registration your current teacher will know to send you to D100 to meet with a counselor. Please select your courses by marking an “X” next to it, and choose 2 alternate courses by marking “A”. Once courses have been chosen, students and your parents should sign the card on the back. If you are registering for an AP or Honors course you must sign twice to indicate that you acknowledge that you are registering for challenging courses and that you accept the responsibilities are expected of you as student in these courses. Once registered you will not be able to request a schedule change out of these courses. Follow the guidelines given in this PowerPoint when registering for courses. When you meet with a counselor in March, you will be able to ask questions and make adjustments to course selections. Please bring your card back to school with you on the day you are supposed to meet with a counselor. If you currently have English this semester, your teacher can tell you what day you will be registering. If you had English first semester, please check the calendar that will be available on the school website. The A/B day matrix and the High School Planning guide can be found on the Mallard Creek website.
MCin3+1@CP If you would like to sign up for the MCin3+1@CP program, please make sure to meet the specific requirements that are outlined on the slide, and the registration card. The MC in 3 +1 @CP program is a good option for students who qualify and would like to complete their high school graduation requirements early and spend what would be their 4th year in high school earning college credits. As a student in the program can still participate in Mallard Creek Senior activities, yet take all of your courses in your Senior year on a CPCC campus and earn college credits for FREE! For more information please see Ms. White in the Career Center located to the left of the Guidance office entrance.
You should have Math I and Math II before registering for Math III. After Math III choose Advanced Functions & Modeling OR Hr. Pre- Calculus. Choose the course that you will be most successful in. Students need 3 sciences to graduate. Earth&Environmental, Biology, and a Physical science A physical science can be Physics, Chemistry or Physical Science. If you took American History I, then register for American History II If you took Hr. Civic&Economics register for AP USHistory. You will also need to take 1 other Social Studies elective such as Psychology, Sociology or another AP Social Studies course. If you plan on applying for College you need to register for at least one World Language course by 11th grade. Core Courses After reviewing your transcript please choose one English, One Math, One Science, and One Social Studies course. The recommendations for each course are at the bottom of the sections. ALL students wanting to take an AP or Honors Math course will need to get the orange Math Recommendation form complete and returned in order to be registered for an AP or Honors Math course. Each student needs to make sure they are registering for their 3rd required science. The science requirements are listed for you on the right of the slide. If you have questions about your science sequence please speak with a counselor on duty in the cafeteria during your Lunch. If you have not yet taken a World Language course and are going to apply to college in your senior year please choose at least one World Language course this year. Juniors and Seniors may choose to take more than one Language course to help them prepare for World Languages courses taken in College. If you are interested in graduating early please choose English 3 and write in English 4 on your registration card. You will also need to make sure you have taken 4 math's, and 4 social studies courses. Remember to speak with the counselor you meet with on registration about early graduation so they know speak with you about the courses you have to take in your 3rd year and what needs to be done in the Fall semester of next school year.
Electives Choose three to four elective courses Choose two Alternate courses Be mindful of courses that are year long and A/B day. When choosing A/B day courses consult the Matrix. Copies of the A/B Matrix will be available in the Counseling office and on the MCHS website Electives * Choose three to four elective courses. Each student needs to register for 8 classes. For example if you have chosen 5 courses on the front of you card you will only choose three from the back of the card to equal 8 selections. When choosing alternate courses make sure you are choosing a course you would like to take. There is a strong possibility of being placed in an alternate course selection. If you are given an alternate course you will be expected to remain enrolled in that course due to it being on your registration card. * When choosing courses be mindful of courses that are A/B day and make sure there are paired with another A/B day course that is offered in the same block. Please consult the A/B day matrix when choosing this type of class.
Aday / Bday Matrix This is the A day / B day matrix. It shows all the year-long courses that are offered at Mallard Creek and which class period they are offered. There will be copies of the matrix available in the Counseling office for students to pick up, and also available on the Mallard Creek website if needed for course selection.
Online registration in PowerSchool www.my.ncedcloud.org Students will be given the responsibility of making selections for their classes online this year the courses chosen on the registration card will be the courses chosen in PowerSchool. Students and Parents will make course selections which will be reviewed when each student has a sit down with a counselor in March. Go to www.my.ncedcl oud.org to log into your student PowerSchool account. Online registration in PowerSchool On February 24th, you may begin entering your course selections into Power School. You are expected to have your courses entered in PowerSchool by the time you meet with a counselor. Registration on PowerSchool can be completed home on any electronic device that can access the internet. You will need to log into your Student PowerSchool account at www.my.ncedcloud.org. You cannot complete this process from your Parents PowerSchool Account. Once logged in, select the “course registration” tab on the left hand side. If you have having difficulties logging in to your NC EdCloud account you can…. 1st try resetting your password 2nd if you can not reset your password, have one of your teachers set your password for you, 3rd if you are still not able to log into your NC EdCloud account email Mr. Brenyo for help. It is very important that you enter your selections once able to do so on February 24th. Individual meetings with counselors will begin on February 27th and will start with rising Juniors. On the day your English class is meant to register, PLEASE bring your signed registration card and transcript with you to school.
Career and Technical education Students should choose electives that will make them CTE completers, which will prepare them do to well on the WorkKeys exam in their Senior year. The following slides will show CTE clusters offered at Mallard Creek Choose electives based on interests and future career interests. The courses offered at Mallard Creek are highlighted. AP courses offered at Mallard Creek which complement the CTE pathways are also highlighted for consideration. All CTE and AP courses are not on the 10th grade card Career and Technical education Mallard Creek offers many Career and Technical Education courses, also known as CTE classes. These courses are meant to give students “Real World” learning experience to expose and prepare them for college and careers. The Work Keys was developed by the makers of the ACT to help identify the skills needed to be successful in a persons career. Students are encouraged to take at least 4 CTE classes in high school, and achieve a Bronze level score or higher on their Work Keys exam. Students have the opportunity to earn a National Career Readiness Certificate in addition to their High School diploma if they score a Bronze or higher level on their Work Keys exam.
The following 5 slides represent the CTE clusters offered at Mallard Creek. The highlighted courses in the column on the Left are the CTE classes that are offered at Mallard Creek for each cluster. The highlighted courses in the Right column are AP classes that are complement a students CTE cluster choice. Courses in the middle column are classes that students may consider taking at CPCC in the Career and College Promise program their 11th and 12th grade years.
Getting ready for 2017-2018 school year This is the end of the 2017-2018 registration PowerPoint Presentation. Students are encouraged to find this presentation on the Mallard Creek website and re-watch it as many times as needed to help you complete your registration card and online registration in PowerSchool. Mallard Creek Guidance 980-343-0085