Meteor head echo climatology at Northern polar latitudes C. Schult, G. Stober and J. L. Chau Meteoroids 2016 08.06.2016
Content Introduction MAARSY Observation Mass estimations Experiment Example/Errors Observation Mass estimations Main/Side lobe comparison C. Schult Meteoroids 2016
Introduction Radar measurements are independent of weather conditions (day and night) Completely automated systems Trajectories over several km in length (in contrast to one point measurements of specular systems) Head echo measurements require High Power Large Aperture radar systems expensive, constructed for other purposes So far only measurements on campaign basis (Arecibo, Jicarmarca, MU, PFISR) Use of a multi target experiment design to observe atmospheric scatterers as well as meteor head echoes Quasi continous measurements (depending on other measurement campaigns) C. Schult Meteoroids 2016 page 1
MAARSY (Experiment) C. Schult Meteoroids 2016 page 2 PRF 1000 Hz Code 16bit-complementary Pulse-length 16x300 m Start range 49.8 km End range 134.7 km Gates 283 Resolution 300 m Beam Zenith [Latteck et al, 2010] C. Schult Meteoroids 2016 page 2
MAARSY (Experiment) Meteors E-Region D-Region Mesosphärische Echos Troposphäre Mesosphärische Echos Meteors E-Region D-Region mesospheric echoes troposphere (UTLS) C. Schult Meteoroids 2016 page 3
Head echo C. Schult Meteoroids 2016 page 4
Trajectory errors C. Schult Meteoroids 2016 page 5
Observation C. Schult Meteoroids 2016 page 6
Obsvation mean ablation height: 100.2 km (97.5 km on day 162 to 102 km on day 323) SA: 103.1 km NA: 102.2 km HE/AH: 95.5 km NT: 97.4 km C. Schult Meteoroids 2016 page 7
Observation Convolution of sporadic source location and Earth filtering mean elevation: 30° Lowest mean of 20° during spring equinox Same amount of slow and fast meteors at the first half of the year In the second half the count rates of fast meteor rise and dominate the observations C. Schult Meteoroids 2016 page 8
Acceleration Acceleration values are highly elevation dependant Smaller values in the high precision distribution C. Schult Meteoroids 2016 page 9
Dynamical masses The dashed lines include just high qualitiy events and have a 4 times higher mass distribution. C. Schult Meteoroids 2016 page 10
Main/side lobe comparison Theor. antenna gain Meteor counts within the beam C. Schult Meteoroids 2016 page 11
Main/side lobe comparison Main lobe radiants Side lobe radiants C. Schult Meteoroids 2016 page 12
Main/side lobe comparison C. Schult Meteoroids 2016 page 13
Summary First quasicontinuous meteor head echo measurements for over two years with MAARSY Strongly seasonal variation in the count rate due to the high latitude location Elevation (error) has a high impact on the acceleration/ dyn. masses Side lobes (-30dB 2 way gain) detect statisticaly 4 times higher masses (different Apex/Helion ratio)
Thank you for your attention! C. Schult URSI AT-RASC