The Lifelong Learning Programme Anne Scobie Comenius-Grundtvig Unit DG Education and Culture Reykjavik, 1 February 2007
Outline Role of the European Union in education and training The road to an integrated Lifelong Learning Programme (« LLP ») Overview of the LLP sectoral and transversal programmes Links with education and training policies The way forward: 2007 and beyond
Why is the EU active in Education & Training?
From the old programmes … Experience of the past Socrates & Leonardo da Vinci 2000-2006 Results of interim evaluations Public consultation Continuity, simplification, more de-centralisation Lisbon strategy 2000; relaunch 2005 "the EU should become an advanced knowledge society with sustainable development, more and better jobs and greater social cohesion"
Transversal Programme to the new LLP Comenius School education Erasmus Higher education & advanced training Leonardo da Vinci Vocational education and training Grundtvig Adult education Transversal Programme 4 key activities – Policy Cooperation; Languages; ICT; Dissemination and exploitation of results (valorisation) Jean Monnet Programme 3 key activities – Jean Monnet Action; European Institutions; European associations
Lifelong Learning Programme Duration: January 2007 – December 2013 Budget: 6.9 billion euros Participating countries: 27 EU-Member States from 2007 The programme is also open to: Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein Turkey (Countries of the Western Balkans) (Swiss Confederation)
LLP Budget
Comenius To develop knowledge and understanding among young people and educational staff of the diversity of European cultures and languages and its values To help young people to acquire the basic life- skills and competences necessary for their personal development, for future employment and for active European citizenship
Erasmus Support the realisation of a European Higher Education Area Reinforce the contribution of higher education and advanced vocational education to the process of innovation
Leonardo da Vinci To contribute to: The development of a well-functioning European labour market (Copenhagen); The Modernisation of the European Education and Training systems (Lisbon).
Grundtvig educational challenge of an ageing population in Europe provide adults with pathways to improve their knowledge and competences
Transversal programmes To promote European cooperation in fields covering two or more sectoral sub-programmes Promote the quality and transparency of Member States ’ E&T systems ________________________________________ ICT – Languages – Dissemination & Exploitation of Results
Funding possibilities Mobility of individuals Bilateral and multilateral partnerships Multilateral projects design to promote quality in E&T systems through transfer of innovation Unilateral and national projects Multilateral projects and networks Observation & analysis of policies and systems _____________________________________ Centralised vs. decentralised
Jean Monnet Stimulate teaching, research and reflection activities in the field of European integration studies Support the existence of an appropriate range of institutions and associations focussing on European integration and E&T in a European perspective Open to HE institutions in any other third country
Jean Monnet actions Jean Monnet chairs, centres of excellence and teaching modules Associations of professors, other teachers, researchers Support for young researchers Information and research activities Operating grants to support institutions pursuing an aim of European interest, e.g. College of Europe
Links with E&T policies Lisbon Agenda: knowledge-based economy, demographic challenges, globalisation Education & Training (« E&T ») 2010: improve the quality and effectiveness of EU E&T systems Facilitate access to E&T systems Open up E&T systems to the wider world
Education & Training 2010 OMC = Open Method of Coordination Five key benchmarks Reading literacy; upper-secondary completion; maths, science, technology; lifelong learning participation; early school leaving Work Programme – 8 clusters - peer learning activities
Programme Priorities 2007 Support implementation of E&T 2010 work programme Strengthen role of E&T within the Lisbon process Reinforce the role of universities Improve quality and attractiveness of vocational education and training Improve low levels of participation in adult learning Promote greater efficiency and equity Teachers and trainers Develop synergies between E&T and culture (2008 – European Year of Intercultural Dialogue)
Beyond 2007 2007 – transitional year 2008 streamlined approach simplification 2008 e-forms Call for Proposals 2008-2010
Useful links Call for Proposals and Guide for Applicants: DG EAC: Application forms: National Agency: Executive Agency:
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