Class 3 Parent Information Key areas of study for terms 1 and 2


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Presentation transcript:

Class 3 Parent Information Key areas of study for terms 1 and 2 Maths Times tables Problem solving Units A1-E1 Literacy Myths and legends Non fiction research Poetry-creating images Science Rocks and soils The characteristics of materials Art Portraits Collage DT Gemstone containers Music Drumming Class orchestra ICT Databases Communicating text and images E-safety PE Swimming Invasion games Gym Dance RE Abraham Christmas around the world Geography Link to science-rocks and soils History The Celts and the Romans PSHE Alcohol/tobacco education Pupil voice Learning journeys terms 1 and 2: Rocks and soils, The Celts and the Romans

Other information A very warm welcome to Class 3. We have a packed and exciting two terms ahead of us and I would like to share a few points with you to keep you informed: Staffing Class 3 will be assisted by Mrs Wiltshire as the class TA and INA Mrs Hugget will be providing SEN support for specific children. I have my planning, assessment and management time on a Wednesday and Mrs Ball will be teaching the class on this day. The work delivered is planned by me so that continuity is always maintained for the children. Swimming Swimming is first thing on a Thursday morning. Your child will need a costume/shorts and a towel to dry themselves with. Some parents have also found it useful to provide another small towel to stand on whilst getting changed. If your child comes to school with their costume on under their uniform PLEASE make sure they have underwear in their bag for afterwards!!!! After an initial assessment your child will be taught at their own ability level (they will not be forced to dive in the deep end if they are not yet ready to swim!) I have always found the swimming teachers to be warm and friendly. If your child develops a verruca please make sure you provide a swimming sock. All open cuts have to be covered with a waterproof plaster for health and safety reasons. Your child does not need money for a locker. PE Please make sure your child has a full kit in school at all times. It makes it really difficult for the other children if we cannot get going with the lesson whilst sorting individuals out. There will be a letter sent home if you child does not have their kit or part of their kit. Mrs Hamill will be advised and may contact you if this happens repeatedly. Thank you for your support with this matter. Homework This is usually given out on a Friday and should be returned the following Thursday. All homework should be completed to the best of your child’s ability using an HB pencil or handwriting pen. If you get “stuck” (especially with maths!) do not hesitate to come and see me. Things have changed since we were at school and I would be only too glad to give advice and help. There will be a Roman project issued towards half term. The children love to do these and get so much out of them. Times tables/spelling test The class has a timed times tables test on a Friday. This will involve learning all of the tables up to x12, however, the children are not expected to know them all at once, but they should be improving their score each week. Some children will not be taking the test and will be having additional maths support during this time. The tests will come home each week and you will be able to see how they are doing. Each child will also be given 10 spellings to learn each week and I do expect 10/10! Reading Anything and everything and as much as possible is my philosophy! Reading should be fun! As ever I would encourage you to make use of Uckfield Library as well as our own. The children have the opportunity to change their reading books with the school librarians at set lunchtimes. Help-If you wish to come in to help please let me know. Yogurt/spread pots/lids We use these for art, please could you send them in for us to use? I hope these points have been of use. Any problems, please come in and see me and I will do my best to help. I look forward to working in partnership with you! Mrs Kaufman