World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Implementation Process


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Presentation transcript:

World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Implementation Process Regional Coordination Mechanism Meeting; Regional UN systems meeting of Europe and ECA Vienna

World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Implementation Process

ITU’s Role in the Geneva Plan of Action Lead facilitator (along with UNESCO and UNDP) in coordinating the multistakeholder implementation of the Geneva Plan of Action. Facilitator of Action Lines C2 (Information and communication infrastructure) and C5 (Building confidence and security in the use of ICTs); upon the UNDP’s request the ITU accepted to play the role of the Facilitator of Action Line C6 (Enabling Environment). Co-facilitator of Action Lines C1, C3, C4, C7 and C11; and partner for C8 and C9. Rotating chair of the United Nations Group on Information Society (UNGIS). Steering committee member of the Partnership on Measuring ICT for Measurement. Facilitator of the WSIS Stocktaking process. Initiator and facilitator of the WSIS Project Prize Implementation of other WSIS outcomes.

WSIS Implementation Process Timeline WSIS+10 HLE High-Level Event  Extended version of   WSIS Forum 2014 UNGA WSIS Overall Review UNGA Resolution A/70/125 HLPF 2016: “Ensuring that no one is left behind” 2017: “Eradicating poverty and promoting prosperity in a changing world” 2018: “Transformation towards sustainable and resilient societies” 2019: “Empowering people and ensuring inclusiveness and equality” ITU Plenipotentiary Conference Resolution on Proposing to hold a World Summit on the Information Society WSIS Phase I : Geneva Phase Phase II : Tunisia Phase Review Event “Towards Knowledge Societies for Peace and Sustainable Development” Phase I : 10-12 December 2003 Phase II: 16-18 November 2005 CSTD 10 Years Review 1998 2001 2003&2005 2006-2008 2009-2012 2013 2014 2015 2016- 2019 2020- 2025 2025 … 2030 SDG Summit UNGA Resolution A/70/1 UNGA Resolution 56/183 endorsed holding of the Summit in two phases Cluster of WSIS Related Events SDG Review WSIS Review WSIS FORUM 2017: 12-16 June  2018: 21-25 May  2019: 11-15 May 2020: 18-22 May

WSIS Regional Reviews In the outcomes of the UN General Assembly overall review on the implementation of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) (GA Resolution A/70/125), regional commissions are invited to continue their work in implementation of WSIS and their contribution to the reviews thereof, including through regional reviews. UN Regional Commissions in collaboration with other UN Agencies are working towards regional WSIS implementation reviews. In accordance to Para 109 of the Tunis Agenda ITU, UNESCO and UNDP continues playing leading facilitating roles in the implementation of the Geneva Plan of Action and organize a meeting of moderators/facilitators of action lines Regional Workshop on resilient ICT connectivity for the Knowledge Economy, SDGs and the WSIS Goals, 21 September 2016, , Almaty, Kazakhstan, UNECE And UNESCAP (In collaboration with ITU) World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) and Inter-agency Working Group on ICT Meeting, 4 October 2016, , Bangkok, Thailand , UNESCAP (in collaboration with ITU and UNESCO) Emerging Issues in ICT & Annual WSIS Meeting , 23 November 2016, UNECA (in collaboration with ITU and UNESCO), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia WSIS Review, April 2017, Chile, UNECLAC in collaboration with ITU WSIS Review, March 2017, UNESCWA in collaboration with ITU WSIS Review , 2017, UNECE (TBD)

WSIS Regional Reviews - Outcomes Building regional capacities on the WSIS and its alignment with 2030 Agenda Building awareness on the enabling role of ICTs in sustainable development and placing ICTs in central point of the national sustainable development agendas and policies Advocating for inclusion of ICTs in the programming of future UNDAFs Fostering of cross sectoral approaches using ICTs to accelerate achievement of SDGs (e-health, e-learning, e-business, e-agriculture, e-governance … ) Encouraging collaborative regulation, policy making and implementation  Fostering interagency collaboration on implementation of the WSIS outcomes and ICT for sustainable development, while aligning WSIS and SDG processes Identifying best practices from national, regional and global experiences for the WSIS Prizes Reporting on efforts at the national and regional level related to WSIS implementation and WSIS-SDG alignment to WSIS Stocktaking Process Contributing as the regional formal submission to the WSIS Forum Open Consultation Process by bringing the regional trends, challenges and opportunities to the global dialogue on the WSIS implementation. Facilitating further UN reporting on WSIS and SDGs (incl. ECOSOC, HLPF, UNGA)

UNESCAP – Asia Pacific World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) and Inter-agency Working Group on ICT Meeting, 4 October 2016, , Bangkok, Thailand , UNESCAP One day review meeting In close collaboration with the ITU Presence of major WSIS Action Line Facilitators Case studies and best practices shared by WSIS Prize Winners Release of WSIS Stocktaking Asia- Pacific Report Outcomes will feed into the WSIS Forum Open Consultation process and shared at the annual Regional Commission meeting at the WSIS Forum 2017

UNECA - Africa Emerging Issues in ICT & Annual WSIS Meeting , 23 November 2016, UNECA, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Two Days meeting In close collaboration with ITU and UNESCO Release of WSIS Stocktaking Africa Report Outcomes will feed into the WSIS Forum Open Consultation process and shared at the annual Regional Commission meeting at the WSIS Forum 2017

Mr Houlin Zhao, ITU Secretary-General WSIS Forum beyond 2015 Mr Ban Ki-moon, UN SG UNGA HLM, 15 Dec 2015 We will strengthen the WSIS Forum as a key platform for discussing the role of ICTs as a means of implementation of the SDGs and targets. Beyond 2015, following the multistakeholder approach, the WSIS Forum, will build upon the outcomes of the WSIS+10 Review and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. In this regard the WSIS-SDG Matrix developed by UN WSIS Action line Facilitators will serve as the mechanism to map, analyze and coordinate the implementation of ICTs as enablers and accelerators of the SDGs. Mr Houlin Zhao, ITU Secretary-General

The Information and Knowledge Societies for SDGs

WSIS Forum 2017 More than 70 ICT ministers- invitation also extended to encourage cross-sectoral participation e.g. Health, Education, Development Ministers. UNDP UN Resident Coordinators UNDP ICTs focal Points Thematic Workshops Country Wokrshops Action Line Facilitation meetings Innovation Track

WSIS ALs-SDG Matrix Impact of WSIS Action Lines on Sustainable Development Goals Released during WSIS Forum 2015 Joint effort of all United Nations Action Line Facilitators Aims at drawing direct linkages between WSIS Action Lines and proposed SDGs, to continue strengthening the impact of ICTs for sustainable development analysis by each Action Line Facilitator, of connections and relations between their respective Action Line with the proposed SDGs and their targets.


First physical meeting 12 October 2016 Phase III The Open Consultation Process OCP is a multistakeholder preparatory process where entities are actively engaged to ensure broad ownership and further improvements of the Forum. The Open Consultation Process will include a collection of inputs from regional and national WSIS related events. The physical meetings of the Open Consultation Process will benefit from remote participation The Open Consultation Process for the WSIS Forum 2017 is structured in six phases as follows: Phase I Opening of the open consultations 01 September 2016 Phase II First physical meeting 12 October 2016 Phase III Second physical meeting 14 February 2017 Phase IV Submissions deadline 20 February 2017 Phase V Final review meeting 14 March 2017 Phase VI Final brief 10 May 2017

Thank You Information and Knowledge Societies for SDGs Thank You