Legacy Media Center Orientation Welcome! Legacy Media Center Orientation
This orientation will help you to discover: Who you need to ask for help Where you can find things in the Media Center How you use the Media Center resources.
In 2009, Legacy Junior High opened. You and a group of your classmates will form a team of detectives that will investigate parts of the library looking for clues. The first team to complete the tasks and find all the clues, wins! Your team will select a topic from the list below and will gather evidence based on a series of tasks. mystery monsters ghosts/spirits criminals/detectives
Keep track of your evidence on the worksheet provided Each team member must sign their name on the worksheet. Each teammate will record at least one answer on the worksheet. Together you decide on your topic. Write your choice on the worksheet. Let’s begin!
Legacy Jr High Library Research Process This is a map of the school library. There are over 7000 books, 20 audio books , and hundreds of eBooks. Becoming familiar with the layout of the library will help you to find what you need.
Task #1 On your library treasure map locate each item listed, write the corresponding number in the appropriate place on the map. Circulation desk Catalog computer Fiction shelving Biography section Book return ** Then return to your computer**
3 4 2 2 2 1 5
Task # 2 Find the following information: What is the name of the dictionary on the dictionary stand? On what page in the Atlas is Transylvania located on? Name one thing that is done at the circulation desk. Give the name of one set of encyclopedias the library has – other than the World Book Encyclopedia. ** when complete, return to your computer**
The library contains fiction, non-fiction, reference, and biography sections. These are identified by hanging banners or labels on the end of the book stacks. In order to find your evidence, you must find books on your topic.
LJH OPAC Open up the OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog) by clicking on the Legacy Home Page then click on “Library Catalog” on the left of the page. Search for items with “mobsters”in the find box and press “ENTER”
Ex: There are only 3 items found about “mobsters”
Notice the following within the search results screen: the blue “book” = print source. On the right hand side, “1 of 1 available” = one copy and is available. The call Number = group of letters and numbers shows where the item is physically located (the address of where the item lives). This section gives title, author, publishing year and often, lexile.
Task # 3 By looking at the “mobsters” search results screen, answer the following questions on your worksheet: Who is the author of “The Heist Society”? What year was the book “Harlem Summer” published? How many pages is the book” The Notorious Izzy Fink”?
Understanding Call Numbers Fiction Search alphabetically by author’s last name Reference Search by REF tag, Dewey number then letters.
Understanding Call Numbers If a book were written about you, what would the call number look like? Non-Fiction Search by number then letters Biography Search alphabetically by person’s last name
Log in to the Library Catalog Select the log in button on the right side of your screen Username: STUDENT NUMBER (yes the number you use at lunch) Password: STUDENT PIN Once you have logged in, you can search for your topic and add the required books to your personal resource list.
Task # 4 With your group, using the LJH OPAC system, find one book from each category listed below that has something to do with your topic: Fiction Non-fiction Reference Biography Add each book to your resource list, then print and attach to your worksheet.
Congratulations! You have completed the tasks You and your team members are officially Library CSI Agents – ready to search out information. Good luck this year and don’t forget who you can ask for help. Turn in your worksheets and get your LIBRARY FREE USE PASS.