How Completed Interiors Are Achieved: Designing & Building ART 2650 Introduction to Design Process and Programming Fall 2017 M, W 11:50 AM to 1:10 PM Grover Center W125 Professor: Matthew Ziff Office: Grover Center W325 Email: Phone: 740. 593. 2869 Office Hours: MTWTH: 11:00 - 12:00 MW: 1:20 - 2:20 How Completed Interiors Are Achieved: Designing & Building
The Designing of Interiors involves: Programming Concept Development Client Meetings Schematic Design Design Development Construction Documents Construction Supervision/Checking ‘Punch List’ Post Occupancy Evaluation (If the client is interested in this step)
The Actual Building of Interiors involves: Obtaining all required permits and code approvals Client approval to go forward with project: selecting a general contractor. Organizing the sequence of construction trades and building components. Major engineering and architectural elements are built/installed first: Installing/constructing Floors Installing HVAC: furnaces, ductwork, fans, fire and smoke dampers Installing Electrical wiring Installing Plumbing lines, hot water heaters etc. Constructing Interior walls and partitions Installing/constructing Ceilings Installing Lighting
The Actual Building of Interiors involves: Installing interior equipment Applying interior finishes and finish materials Delivering Furniture Ventilation period before occupancy
How to Construct Interior Components What are the processes used to construct interior components? What are materials used to construct interior components? What are the defining aspects of interior components?
How to Construct Interior Components Pre-fabricated vs on site constructed: This may apply to almost any interior or architectural components from pre- cast concrete pieces of walls or floors to interior partitions. Load bearing vs Non-load bearing: A load bearing wall bears a load from up above, usually another floor or roof load. A non-load bearing wall is built independent of the main load bearing structure of the building. It can be either an interior or an exterior wall, depending on the framing design. Construction methods/techniques/technologies High technology Low technology
How many ways of building an interior wall do you know about? Wood frame construction Metal frame construction Let’s list other techniques and material methods now: