Links with and between other Goals and Quality Frameworks EFA MDA Goal 6: Quality Links with and between other Goals and Quality Frameworks
What are frameworks for education quality I P O 5 elements CFS dimensions What are links between Quality and other EFA Goals??? What are links between Quality Indicators and Quality frameworks?
3 Elements of Quality Systems Quality Inputs Quality Teaching/Learning Processes Quality Outcomes
5 Aspects of Quality Quality Learners Quality Processes Quality Content Quality Environment Quality Outcomes
CFS - Quality Dimensions Inclusive Efficient Gender Equality Protective, Safe and Healthy Involving Community, Family and Students Systems - Administration
3 Elements of Quality Systems Quality Inputs Goals 1 & 5 Quality Teaching/Learning Processes Goal 2 & 5 Quality Outcomes Goals 3 & 4 & 5
5 Aspects of Quality Quality Learners Quality Processes Goals 1 & 5 Quality Processes Goals 2 & 5 Quality Content Goal 5 Quality Environment Quality Outcomes Goals 3 & 4 & 5
CFS - Quality Dimensions Inclusive – Goals 1 & 2 & 5 Efficient – Goals 3 & 4 & 5 Protective, Safe, Healthy – Goals 3 & 5 Gender Equality – Goal 5 Involving Community, Family, Students Goal 1 & 5 Systems – Administration – Goal 5
EFA MDA Quality Indicators Process/System Indicators 7 Core Indicators 11 Additional Indicators 9
3 Elements of Quality Systems Quality Inputs 12 indicators: 2P 8C 2A Quality Teaching/Learning Processes 9 indicators: 3P 2C 4A Quality Outcomes 6 indicators: 2P 1C 3A
5 Aspects of Quality Quality Learners Quality Processes 1 indicator: 1A Quality Processes 7 indicators: 2P 2C 3A Quality Content 2 indicators: 1C 1A Quality Environment 11 indicators: 3P 7C 1A Quality Outcomes 6 indicators: 2P 1C 3A
CFS - Quality Dimensions Inclusive - 0 indicators Efficient - 7 indicators 3P 4C Gender Equality – 8 indicators 1C 7A Protective, Safe and Healthy 5 indicators 1P 2C 2A Involving Community, Family and Students 1 indicator 1P Systems – Administration 6 indicators 3P 3C
6.1 Policy/System Indicators 6.1.1 Presence of standard tests for measuring learning achievement linked to national curriculum 6.1.2 Does the government participate in international learning achievement tests such as TIMMS, PISA, EALAS, LAMP or some other multi-country initiative initiative’s and what were the results or trends in terms of student performance? 6.1.3 Presence of a system to give schools feedback on school and student performance on national exams.
6.1 Policy/System Indicators 6.1.4 Presence of a National CFS Policy or Framework – or examples where holistic approaches to improving school quality across the 5 dimensions have been implemented. 6.1.5 School Self Assessment tools and processes have been initiated, linked to school planning, with active student, parent and community participation 6.1.6 What provision of quality standards for school environments exist – are they enforced and are they child friendly? 6.1.7 What policies are in place regarding corporeal punishment and what is the current practice in classrooms? What is the situation in terms of violence in schools?
6.2 Quality Core Indicators 6.2.1 Survival Rate to Grade 5 - See details in EFA Goal 2 (UPE) section 6.2.2 Percentage of Primary School Teachers Having the Required Academic Qualifications 6.2.3 Percentage of School Teachers who are Certified to Teach According to National Standards Early childhood, Primary, Secondary and Non-Formal 6.2.4 Pupil-Teacher Ratio (PTR) 6.2.5 Pupils-Class Ratio (PCR) 6.2.6 Pupil-Textbook ratio (PBR) for Primary Education & Secondary Education
6.2 Quality Core Indicators 6.2.7 Public Expenditure on Education as Percentage of Total Government Expenditure 6.2.8 Public Expenditure on Education as a Percentage of Gross National Product (GNP) 6.2.9 Public Current Expenditure per Pupil as Percentage of GNP per Capita (Primary and Secondary) 6.2.10 Percentage of schools with improved water sources 6.2.11 Percentage of schools with improved sanitation facilities.
6.3 Additional Quality Indicators 6.3.1 Percent of pupils who have mastered nationally defined basic learning competencies 6.3.2 School Life Expectancy 6.3.3 Instructional Hours 6.3.4 Percentage distribution of teachers who attended the in-service training programmes by type and duration 6.3.5 Percent of teachers who are trained to teach multi-grade teaching
6.3 Additional Quality Indicators 6.3.6 Pass rates for National examination scores 6.3.7 Percent of schools with libraries or reading centers 6.3.8 Percent of primary school going children who have intestinal worm infestation 6.3.9 Rate of incidence of violence reported in schools