Types of Government
Dictatorship/Totalitarian Characteristics Examples Government has COMPLETE CONTROL over people’s lives In some countries, the GOVERNMENT owns or controls ALL PROPERTY (land, buildings, schools, newspapers, TV stations) Controls much of its CITIZENS’ lives Ruler is a DICTATOR and is NOT CONTROLLED by a constitution or laws North Korea (D) Germany – Nazis (T) UNLIMITED
Monarchy Characteristics Examples Monarchy means RULE BY ONE Rule by a KING or QUEEN A king or queen is BORN into power and rules for LIFE Saudi Arabia (Absolute) United Kingdom (Constitutional) Cananda (Constitutional)
Types of Monarchy ABSOLUTE monarchy (power unlimited) – King Aziz of Saudi Arabia CONSTITUTIONAL monarchy (limited power) – Queen Elizabeth II of United Kingdom, Denmark, Malaysia
Democracy Characteristics Examples Means RULE BY THE PEOPLE People elect REPRESENTATIVES who create laws Political AUTHORITY (rights) protected by law, but require MAJORITY VOTE United States, Greece, Ancient Rome LIMITED
Types of Democracy DIRECT democracy – people govern themselves by voting individually on issues REPRESENTATIVE democracy – people elect representatives who make and enforce laws Both are Limited Governments
Oligarchy Characteristics Examples Means RULE BY FEW Ruling Council, wealthy land owners, communist party Russia Former Yugoslavia UNLIMITED
Theocracy Characteristics Examples A government ruled by PRIEST claiming to represent God Every government Law/decision is based on the ideas of one religion Other religions are NOT allowed Iran UNLIMITED
Limited Government Characteristics Examples Power of the government is limited by a Constitution (laws) Rights of the people are protected Democracy is an ancient word that means rule by the people United States
Unlimited Government Characteristics Examples Control is placed solely with the government and there are NO LIMITS on their power Individual rights do NOT exist COMMUNIST – the government owns all property and makes nearly all the laws for the people China Cuba