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Creating a Destiny Student LOGIN in the Albion Library
Go to <> Select Albion Middle School
Select Create Account in upper right corner
Enter your last name in the last name field Next enter your Student ID number in the Barcode field. Click Next.
The system verifies that you are a student in Destiny. Enter your birth date by selecting down arrows. Next.
Enter the desired username and password Confirm the password Enter your email address in the bottom field Click “Save”
The system will log you in Notice your name in the upper right.
Title Search Helps you find a book by title Example: You are looking for the book Gut Eating Bugs
Author Search Helps you find a book by an author You really liked Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card. You want to find other books by him.
Subject Find the main subject of a book Try finding Barack Obama Names—Last name first
Keyword Gives additional information