Conducting an Inventory Reconciling What Displays in the Catalog with What’s on the Shelf
We have what we say we have Why do an inventory? BENEFITS The biggest benefit of inventorying your collection is … We have what we say we have where we say we have it Accurate collection count Opportunity to weed damaged and multiple copies You may discover barcodes not in the system, find missing items, items with a hold, items still checked out to a patron, items shelved in the wrong place, items that are falling apart, items attached to the wrong record, etc.
Equipment needed Laptop (with Workflows loaded), barcode wand, and cart (if your library does not have a laptop, one can be borrowed from NCLS.) Desktop PC (you can also use your desktop PC, however, it would entail putting your items on the cart, taking them to your PC, and then moving them back to the shelf.) **A laptop and a cart would work best as you can move through your collection easier.
inventorying – Step 1 To begin the process, select a section of your collection for inventory. If this is your first time we would suggest starting with one of your smaller sections i.e. DVDs, Audios, etc. Notify NCLS that you would like to inventory your collection, and what section you would like to start inventorying.
inventorying – Step 2 NCLS will then run a SET INVENTORY REPORT, and email you that you can begin inventorying that section. This report sets the inventory date to ‘today’s date’ for items with a current status of damaged, discard, longoverdue, lost-claim, and missing. Then, as those items make their way back to your library and are checked in, they will have been counted as inventoried on today’s date.
inventorying – Step 3 In Workflows, under the Special menu, click on the Inventory Item wizard Begin scanning item barcodes at the start of the section you want to inventory. Call number, copy, and item ID information will display as you progress. Watch your screen closely for pop alerts, such as hold for an item. If you encounter an item that has a current status of damaged, discard, longoverdue, lost-claim, and missing, a pop-up alert will indicate what is going on. Make note of what the alert is telling you and set the item aside for additional action. Click OK to continue taking inventory. This is also a good time to set aside books that may need repair or weeding.
pop-up alert
inventorying – Step 4 Contact NCLS and tell us that you are done inventorying that section and NCLS will then run a ITEMS INVENTORY NEVER report. The ITEMS INVENTORY NEVER report will list items that cannot be accounted for in the section that you just inventoried. NCLS will then email you the report, and you will need to follow up with each item on the list. If you can’t track the items down anywhere. Use the Mark Item Missing wizard found under the Items menu. Staff might consider purchases another item. This follow-up is the most important part of the inventory process.
items inventorying never report
inventorying – Step 5 Begin the process over again, Steps 1 – 4, beginning with notifying NCLS what section you want to inventory next. When you have completed inventory of your entire collection and have addressed every NEVER report, NCLS will run a FINAL NEVER report.
Contact me if you are interested in inventorying your collection: Pam Wills / Head Cataloger North Country Library System 315-755-0651