Google Earth Tour of Marine Environments
Select the ‘Ocean’ box and all sub-categories
Monterey Bay, the Great Barrier Reef, atolls, the Caribbean, Hawaii, and Cape Cod Use Google Earth to tour each of the above locations For each location, fill out the worksheet providing the requested information Google Earth Tour of…
Continuation of the Google Earth Tour There are videos to watch! Record five - six examples from each location on the worksheet in the front of the lecture room Find the Sedlo Seamount and the Dom Joao de Castro Seamount (ID the type of environment) What species of interest are in Cape Cod?
The Caribbean Islands Locate the Caribbean Islands and then locate the Catlin Seaview Survey Locate fiver other markers of interest and add them to your worksheet
On to the Great Barrier Reef
Then, Atolls and the Marshall Islands Finally, find the Marshall Islands and the surrounding Islands Identify the possible causes for the islands, identify species and other cool things You can also locate the Bikini Islands Historically significant location