MAO Training Module
MAO login into mFMS MAO’s can login into mFMS web application by clicking onto ‘Registration and Data Upload Services’ on and providing login credentials received on mobile.
mFMS menu for role MAO Entry/Edit Opening Stock Acknowledgement Edit Possible duplicate sale Records Retailer Stock Report
mFMS Home Page View For MAO’s
Entry/Edit Opening stock of Retailer This option enables MAO’s to edit and enter correct quantity ,if initial stock was entered wrongly through POS
Acknowledgement of Sale Transaction MAO’s can acknowledge retailer receipts for sale transactions made prior to the date of usage of POS device and not yet acknowledged. MAO’s can enter retailer Id After submitting the save button, retailers pending acknowledge records will be fetched,MAO’s have to choose each record enter receipt date, choose ACK/PACK,and choose “Y” if this transaction is already included in retailer’s opening stock thorugh POS and “N” if not Included and submit ACK/PACK button.
Acknowledgement Receipt
Edit Possible Duplicate Sale Record In order to resolve possible duplicate sale/demo records by retailers,MAO may choose retailers from combo box and submit mFMS server will fetch him all the possible duplicate sale record/demo records for choosen dealer,MAO may choose to accept or reject the sale transaction
Edit Possible Duplicate Sale Record
Retailer Stock Report MAO can see retailer opening stock report by selecting a retailer or all retailers by submitting the button. MAO can see retailer monthly stock report which can be drilled down to daily stock report.
Retailer Opening Stock Report
Retailer monthly stock Report
Retailer Unacknowledged Receipt Txns MAO can see the sale made to retailer which is not yet acknowledged/partially acknowledged and can follow up with retailer to get it acknowledged.
Retailer Sale Txns MAO can see the sale of retailer to buyer by using the report ‘Sale Transactions’
Fertilizer companies and wholesaler Fertilizer companies and Wholesalers may be made conversant with the system Fertilizer companies and Wholesalers may be asked to enter their sale transaction to retailers in time.