Welcome to The Courtauld Professor Antony Eastmond Dean and Deputy Director
History First university department in the UK dedicated to the study of the history and conservation of art Founded in 1932 by Samuel Courtauld, Viscount Lee and Sir Robert Witt Moved to Somerset House in 1989 Independent college of the University of London since 2002
Postgraduate degree programmes Courtauld Graduate Diploma in the History of Art MA History of Art MA Curating the Art Museum MA Buddhist Art: History and Conservation Postgraduate Diploma in the Conservation of Easel Paintings MA Conservation of Wall Painting Research degrees (MPhil, PhD)
About us Small size (c500 students) - friendly accessible community World-class faculty of art historians, curators and conservationists The Courtauld as an institution leads the whole HE sector for research quality, and is ranked first for History of Art (Research Exercise Framework 2014) 85% of Courtauld postgraduate students go into graduate-level work or study (DLHE survey 2014-2015) 7,500 alumni, many of whom are key figures in the UK and global art world Funding available for Conservation, MA and PhD students (which may cover fees and/or maintenance). Visit: courtauld.ac.uk/study/fees-and-funding
About you The Courtauld provides the opportunity to: immerse yourself in the in-depth study of one or more areas of art history or conservation find your own scholarly voice begin to make your own contributions to the discipline become part of an intellectual community entirely focused on art and its histories; engage closely with a broad range of original artworks at The Courtauld, in London, and abroad; prepare yourself for a variety of careers in the art world and beyond.