Finance Workgroup Phase 4 Finance Strategies Work Planning This PowerPoint file is to be used as a template for the sixth meeting of the finance workgroup. In this meeting the finance lead will guide the group in reviewing and confirming its final budget estimates and financing strategies and developing a work plan. A 2.5-hour block of time should be scheduled for this meeting. See the Finance Facilitator Guide for Phase 4, Meeting 6 for pointers on preparing for this meeting. The notes section of most slides contains talking points. These can be adapted as appropriate. Italicized text is intended to be delivered as scripted for making important points or to help make smooth transitions. Walk through the presentation with your finance coach as part of your preparation. Materials Flipchart and markers with a flipchart “Parking Lot” for questions. Handouts Agenda Worksheet 5 from the Scale and Budget Tool Worksheet 1 from the Finance Strategies Tool Strategic Financing Work Planning Worksheet Meeting 6: Finance Strategies Work Planning
INTRODUCTIONS AND OVERVIEW Finance Workgroup Phase 4 INTRODUCTIONS AND OVERVIEW Welcome everyone to the meeting and introduce yourself and do a round of introductions for the group. You all received some background information on Evidence2Success in advance of this meeting. Today we are here to learn more about the goals of the finance workgroup and the roles and functions of workgroup members. For introductions please share your name, your role and organization and what you would like to get out of today’s meeting. (Or introduce the Penny Exercise]. For groups whose members already seem to know each other well, ask each person to answer the question, “What do you want to get out of today’s meeting?” and chart their responses on a flipchart in the front of the room. You will come back to this paper at the end of the meeting to be sure that everyone’s objectives have been met. For groups in which members are less familiar with each other, you may want to offer a simple icebreaker, such as the Penny Exercise. Distribute one penny to each member of the group. Ask people to think about one special thing that happened in that year of the penny that they are willing to share with the group. Then ask each person to introduce themselves by stating their name, position and one significant thing that happened in their life during the year on the penny. The purpose of this exercise is learn more about one another, sharing personal information to create a safe environment. Thank and acknowledge those who have been collecting data at the agency for the time and energy they’ve put into these efforts to date. Meeting 1: Finance Workgroup Charge and Orientation
Finance Workgroup Phase 4 Goals and Objectives Review and agree on adjustments to the financing plan based on input from the community board. Develop a work plan for pursuing financing strategies to secure needed resources. Agree on the ongoing role and meeting schedule for the finance workgroup. Reflect on and celebrate our work!! After introductions, review the goals and objectives for the meeting. Then refer participants to their agenda and review the agenda for the day. Share location of restrooms and share any other logistical information participants need. Meeting 6: Finance Strategies Work Planning
Strategic Finance Planning Process Finance Workgroup Phase 4 Strategic Finance Planning Process Meeting 3: Overview of range of financing strategies and focus on Improving the Use of Existing Public Funds Meeting 4: Review full range of financing strategies and identify strategies of interest Meeting 5: Prioritize finance strategies and agree on recommendation for allocation of grant dollars Meeting 6 (TODAY): Revise strategies according to community board input and develop work plan We always start by getting grounded in our process. Today is an exciting day because we have moved through all of the steps in our planning and are at the point where we can finalize our finance plan and develop a work plan. Community Board Review Meeting 4: Overview of Finance Strategies
Total Three Year Costs and Funding Gaps Finance Workgroup Phase 4 Total Three Year Costs and Funding Gaps Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Program 1 Total Costs Program 2 Program 3 Infrastructure TOTAL COSTS SECURED FUNDING FUNDING GAPS Handout Updated version of Worksheet 5 from the Scale and Budget Tool Insert the budget slide from the PowerPoint deck for Phase 4, Meeting 5. Make any adjustments needed, based on what decisions have been made about how initial grant dollars will be allocated toward programs. Distribute the handout. The first step in finalizing our finance plan is to review and agree on the costs, resources secured and gaps. Based on our conversation at the last meeting and the input from the community board, here is where we have landed. (Refer participants to the detail on Worksheet 5, highlighting costs, resources secured and gaps for each program. Emphasize any changes or adjustments to the worksheet based on conversations at the last meeting and with the community board. Answer questions and confirm that participants agree that this accurately reflects three-year costs and funding gaps for the plan.) Meeting 6: Finance Strategies Work Planning
Finance Workgroup Phase 4 Financing Strategies Improving the use of existing public funds Maximizing federal funds Allocating state or local general funds Public-private partnerships Social impact bonds Debt financing Generating new revenue Handout Updated version of the Finance Strategies Tool, Worksheet 1, which should now only include the financing strategies you are including in your plan. Edit this slide so it also only includes the financing strategies you are including in your plan Distribute the handout. At the last meeting we walked through this worksheet as we discussed and agreed on our financing strategies. Today, I have updated the worksheet so it only includes those financing strategies we will be including in our plan, based on our discussions and the input from the community board. Give participants time to review the worksheet. If there were important additions or changes made to the financing strategies based on the input from the community board, highlight those. Answer questions, take comments and confirm with participants that these are the set of strategies the group agrees will be included in the financing plan. Meeting 6: Finance Strategies Work Planning
Finance Workgroup Phase 4 Work Planning Develop work items for each financing strategy: Develop goals for Year 1 Identify a target completion date for each goal Make note of thoughts, questions, players to engage Handout Strategic Financing Work Planning Worksheet Once you have discussed and confirmed the financing strategies, give participants a copy of the Strategic Financing Work Planning Worksheet. A final important step in developing our strategic financing plan is to develop a work plan for how we will pursue the financing strategies we have identified. At the last meeting, all of you indicated which strategies you would be willing to work to help implement. Today we are going to get more concrete about how we will work together to secure the resources we need. We are going to take some time to develop this work plan (refer them to the work plan worksheet). I have put down goals for each strategy and the names of those who volunteered at the last meeting to work on each strategy. The information I have put down on the work plan is just meant to provide a starting point and help to get you thinking. We will revise and add to the contents of the worksheet. This is how we will do this: we are going to break out into small groups, by strategy, and spend time filling out the pieces of the work plan for your strategy. Then we will come back together to share what we have. Break the participants into small groups by strategy. Depending on now many strategies are in your plan, you may only have two people working on each strategy, or you may have each group work on more than one strategy. Think ahead of time about how you will divide the group to develop the work plan for individual financing strategies. If the participants who volunteered fall fairly evenly across the strategies, you can simply have participants work on the strategy they volunteered for. If they do not fall evenly, you may have to assign participants to ensure you have people working on developing the work plan for every strategy. Give the groups 15 minutes to do work planning within their small group. Then call the group back together and ask each group to share their goals, timelines and notes. Allow the full group time for questions/comments/additions. Once you go through all of the strategies, ask the group if anyone would like to add themselves as a person who will work on any strategy. Make any additions needed. Confirm with participants that they are comfortable with moving this work plan forward. Let them know that you will be putting together a full work plan summarizing all of the conversations and sharing it with the group. Meeting 6: Finance Strategies Work Planning
Ongoing Work of the Finance Workgroup Finance Workgroup Phase 4 Ongoing Work of the Finance Workgroup Implementing the financing plan Annual updates to the finance plan Updating scale goals and budgets Updating resources secured and funding gaps Ongoing consideration of funding opportunities, implementation of financing strategies and adjustments to work plan, as needed Keeping the community board informed Quarterly meetings: ~2 hours each We have a great plan and have been through an intensive period of planning over X months to get here. As we move forward from here, our work together will focus on implementing our plan. Of course, the funding environment is always changing, so it <is>will be very important for us to monitor opportunities on an ongoing basis. The specific tasks we will focus on include. (Review the points on the slide). Now that we have finished with the development of the plan, we will move from monthly meetings to quarterly meetings. Get input and answer questions from the group. Meeting 6: Finance Strategies Work Planning
Finance Workgroup Phase 4 Next Steps Develop final financing plan and circulate to the workgroup for review Share final financing plan with the community board Act as consultant to community board, if needed, for incorporating key portions of the financing plan into the final action plan Begin quarterly finance workgroup meetings We have had an incredibly productive meeting today and made a lot of important decisions. Here are our next steps. I will be summarizing all of our decisions and work plan into a final financing plan that I will circulate to this group and then share with the community board. Would anyone be willing (along with me) to represent our workgroup if any questions arise when key parts of our financing plan are incorporated into the action plan? Your expertise may also be needed in representing the final plan to different stakeholders. Give them specific time and date of next workgroup meeting if you have it, and remind them it is the first quarterly meeting. Meeting 6: Finance Strategies Work Planning
Finance Workgroup Phase 4 What Do You Think … What is the most important accomplishment of our planning work to date? What is your hope for what will be accomplished as we continue to work together? Prep two flipcharts. On one write “Accomplishments”; on the other, “Hopes.” Before we close, let’s take a few minutes to reflect on what we have accomplished and where we hope to go from here. We so appreciate the time and energy you all have given to this process. Please come up to these flipcharts and write at least one important accomplishment you see from this work and one hope. After all participants have written their accomplishments and hopes, have them return to their seats and debrief with the group. Invite members of the group to talk about the accomplishments and hopes they put on the board. Thank participants, using whatever means of acknowledgment and celebration you have planned. Meeting 6: Finance Strategies Work Planning
Finance Workgroup Phase 4 Thank participants for their time and commitment. Meeting 6: Finance Strategies Work Planning