IPA by Jessica S. Miller, UW-Eau Claire Vous êtes super ! Novice
Context It’s the middle of the term and you are tired. How do people find energy and motivation around the world? Interpretative task (Monday) To find some positive energy, read about factors leading to success, and watch a short video about a French movement called “vous êtes super”. Interpersonal task (Wednesday + Thursday) Prepare to attend the next French conversation table. Rehearse with me in a 3-minute individual oral interview in the classroom. Be ready to introduce yourself, talk about your friends and family, and share your favorite activities and when you do them. Presentational task (Friday) Collaborate with the French club to host a “vous êtes super” event. Create three posters similar to those shown in the video, but using personal sentences. One should start with “vous”, one with “tu”, and one with “nous”. In a one-minute presentation, show and read them, and explain when and where you would like to organize the event. Check spelling and grammar.
Interpretive task: reading Find the French word that best expresses the meaning of the following English words. Use visual cues from the illustration, cognates (i.e., similarities between French and English), and vocabulary you learned so far to help you. (20 points – estimated completion time: 10 minutes) to give compliments __________________________________ to recognize one’s mistakes __________________________________ to be happy __________________________________ to read everyday __________________________________ to talk about others __________________________________ to give nothing back __________________________________ to flee change __________________________________ to hide one’s information __________________________________ to set goals __________________________________ to not like writing __________________________________
In English, answer the following: What two positive traits and two negative traits in the illustration are part of your personality? (10 points – estimated completion time: 5 minutes) In English, answer the following: (1) What trait in the illustration is often used to stereotypically describe Francophone culture(s), and (2) how does it compare to your culture? (10 points – estimated completion time: 5 minutes)
Interpretive task: listening Check only the phrases that were spoken in the video. (20 points – estimated completion time: 10 minutes) monsieur madame c’est gentil à bientôt génial petit garçon petite fille faire du foot en Afrique parler toutes les langues faire du vélo en Asie
In English, answer the following: (1) What is the purpose of the “vous êtes super” campaign, (2) how does it work, and (3) what do you think of it? (10 points – estimated completion time: 5 minutes) In English, answer the following: While the “vous êtes super” movement began in Paris, this video and others on YouTube indicate that it has spread around the world. Do you think it would be successful in Eau Claire? Why or why not? Briefly justify your opinion by highlight elements of the video. (10 points – estimated completion time: 5 minutes)