Report on database work for INB in ATLAS K. Pommès, Jorge Molina-Perez 8 June 2007
ATLAS Equipment Databases - Purpose The Equipment Databases currently hold data describing the physical layout of the ATLAS detector. Store (or link) details of produced objects (+ 80 000 equipments) MTF (TS Department development) Describe the off-detector electronics. ( 7400 crates/PC + boards) Rack Wizard (CMS development) Manage the position of the installed objects (5 300 sub detectors positions) ATLASEditor3D (ATLAS development) Connects items with the cabling information (+ 53 000 cables / pipes) Cable Database & Rack Wizard Provide an item history for asset tracking All data stored in Oracle and accessible via GLANCE (ATLAS development) We support installation logistics/procedures, e.g. labeling, barcode reader facilities We Will manage equipment traceability INB requirements
ATLAS Equipment Databases - Overview Glance Search Interface Equipments Passport All equipment installed shall be registered in MTF and labeled (Detectors Units, Electronic Crates, Boards…) MTF Functional Position Front End - Detector Geometrical and spatial 3D position Electronic Configuration Functional Position Back End - Rack Electronic Configuration Cables Rack Wizard + ATLAS Editor3D Rack Wizard
Equipment Traceability PC + Touch screen All material exiting the UX15 cavern will be checked. The equipment is dismounted by sub-detector experts Small objects : transit via UX15 level-2 We will equipped one rack before the PAD/MAD with : PC + touch screen Barcode reader Label printer Dosimeter Heavy objects : transit via PM14 or PM16 shaft We will equipped the radiation technician with : PC handheld barcode reader Bar code reader Label printer Dosimeter PC Dosimeter
Equipment Traceability Expert identified Ask for rights to extract equipments Assign Location Location data? Equipment labeled? identified? Print Label no yes Equipment arrival Control of the dose rate Registration Process of registration Equipment identification Assign location Labeling Control of the equipment with the dosimeter Registration.
Assign location ATLAS 3D Assigning location, ATLAS 3D modular view: Global view TILE LARG MUON
Equipment identification Naming Convention (14 alpha-numeric char) prefix Sequential number 2 A L I N B 1 Zone (INB) Sub-System code (L=Electronic) System code (A=LARg Detector) ATLAS Project (20 = ATLAS Detector)
Control of the dose & Registration
Database work for INB For the next months we have to prepare the operation phase for equipment traceability Our ATLAS Database & RP Database must be linked, RP Parameters must be integrated in a coherence way. Our Glance interface for MTF registration and position allocation must be finalized Find the right connection to insert the dose rate into Oracle from the dosimeter Provide the adequate interfaces (PC + PC hand-held barcode reader) for a easy registration of all the parameters