The seedy side of the film world . . . Film Noir The seedy side of the film world . . .
Film Noir “Black Film”--coined by Nino Frank 1940s-1950s Derived from pulp magazines and novels (i.e. Dashiell Hammett, James M. Cain, Raymond Chandler) Roots: German Expressionism (i.e. Nosferatu and Cabinet of Dr. Caligari)
Film Noir Crime stories Elements of determinism Corruption in the world controls characters Poses the question “Why me?” The answer: “For no good reason.”
Film Noir: Narrative Non-linear (flashbacks) Plot twists Complex plot lines Dialogue: witty, acerbic Voice-over narration
Film Noir: Conflict Whodunnit? Struggle against unexplainable and uncontrollable forces in the world Psychological (internal conflict) Dark sides of human nature
Film Noir: Mood Melancholy Pessimism Disillusionment Paranoia Desperation Guilt
Film Noir: Female Characters Sexy seductress Uses the male Powerful (exerts it over the male character)
Film Noir: Male Characters Anti-hero (corrupt) Hard Boiled detectives Criminals Gangsters War veterans Disillusioned and taken by corruption Haunted by their past
Film Noir: Mise-en-Scène Interior City streets Rainy streets Night scenes Sparsely decorated set Venetian blinds Cars Cigarette smoke
Film Noir: Style Low-key lighting Shadows Fractured light Deep focus Skewed angles
Film Noir: Classics Maltese Falcon (1941)d. John Huston Double Indemnity(1944)d. Billy Wilde Detour (1945)d. Edgar G. Ulmer The Big Sleep(1946)d. Howard Hawks Dark Passage(1947)d. Delmer Daves Lady from Shanghai (1947) d. Orson Welles Sunset Boulevard (1950)d. Billy Wilder
Film Noir: Neo-Noir Bonnie and Clyde (1967)d. Arthur Penn
Film Noir: Neo-Noir Chinatown (1970)d. Roman Polanski
Film Noir: Neo-Noir Mean Streets (1973)d. Martin Scorsese
Film Noir: Neo-Noir Body Heat (1981)d. Lawrence Kasdan
Film Noir: Neo-Noir Blood Simple (1984)d. Joel Cohen
Film Noir: Neo-Noir Blue Velvet(1986)d. David Lynch
Film Noir: Neo-Noir Fatal Attraction(1987)d. Adrian Lyne
Film Noir: Neo-Noir Basic Instinct (1992)d. Paul Verhoeven
Film Noir: Neo-Noir Usual Suspects (1995) d. Brian Singer
Film Noir: Neo-Noir L.A. Confidential (1997)d. Curtis Hanson
Film Noir: Neo-Noir Black Dahlia(2006)d. Brian DePalma