Greetings from The Gambia
Hello to you all at All Saints Harworth Primary School
It reached 34 degrees yesterday! The Summer season has Just started here in The Gambia so the weather is really starting to warm up! It reached 34 degrees yesterday!
However with the summer also comes the rain! As you can see the rain has already begun to reach us!
We get all of our rain in the summer months and it rains really hard for a while and then brightens up again. Monthly Rainfall (mm)
It also turns the vegetation green again The rain is very welcome though as it helps the land so farmers can prepare to plant crops It also turns the vegetation green again
We have some mango trees in our playground and with the rain new mangos start to grow!
Have you ever eaten a Mango? They are delicious!!
Our school is now enrolled in the world food programme! That means the school is provided with free rice to feed us with, it’s a great help!
This is a rice field near our compound This is a rice field near our compound. The rice is grown at this time of year as there is plenty of rain to water the crops
The Rainy season also brings with it mosquitoes. We have to be careful not to get bitten because some mosquitos carry a parasite that can give us Malaria . We sleep under Mosquito nets .
We know London is very close to holding the Olympic Games ! We have been learning all about the Olympic games in preparation, it all seems very exciting!
We have an Olympic Challenge for you!
We want to find which girl in your school is best at skipping We want to find which girl in your school is best at skipping. So the skipping challenge is how many skips can you do in sixty seconds?”!
We also want to find which boy in your school is best at toe balling We also want to find which boy in your school is best at toe balling. So the kick up challenge is how many kicks ups you can do before the ball hits the ground!
Are you up for the challenge?? So what do you say? Are you up for the challenge??