Basics of Drupal for Researchers, part 2 Stephanie Moore, Department of English Drupal Consultant, Research IT Based on a course designed by Quinn Dombrowski, Digital Humanities Coordinator at Berkeley, Research IT
What this workshop will cover Today: Configuring content types and fields Adding content Blocks Themes
Installed modules Administration menu Backup and migrate CTools Pathauto Token Views Date References Automatic nodetitles Go through the module list and make sure the right stuff is enabled
Founders on the Founders What we have: Quotations by (and about) the Founding Fathers and Mothers Biographical data and pictures What we want: A directory of the Founders, each entry of which… Displays a picture and biography of the individual, and… A list of quotations about them, in chronological order, with dates and names of author and addressee This week we’ll set up the content types and fields and add some data, next week we’ll use Views to display the data
Founders Site: Entity Relationship Diagram Person Name Biography Birth Date Death Date Image Quote Title Subject Author Addressee Date
Founders Site: Content Types and Fields (to start) Person Name (rename default “title” field) Biography (rename default “body” field) Quote Title (default) Quote (rename default “body” field) Talk about Drupal default fields
Steps for creating content types Add new content type Structure > Content types > Add content type Configure settings Add and configure fields Configure display Create dummy content to try it out Content > Add content
Content Type Settings All appear on the content type creation form except: URL patterns Go to Configuration > Search and metadata > URL aliases Permissions Go to People > Permissions (more on this next week)
Drupal terminology: fields Each field has: Field settings Widget (data input) Formatter (data display) Fields are reusable across content types Fields can be single-value or multi-value
More fields for our content types Person Name (title) Biography (body) Birth date (date field) Death date (date field) Image (image field)
More fields for our content types Quote Title - automatic nodetitles Quote (body) Subject (node reference) Author (node reference) Addressee (node reference) Date (date field)
Automatic Node Titles & Pathauto Tokens: small pieces of data you can reuse in various places and ways Examples: Most field values Content author Publication date
Create some dummy content!
Themes AdaptiveTheme family: install AdaptiveTheme Core, but set one of the following as the default theme: Corolla Sky Pixture Reloaded AT Commerce Configure fonts, colors, etc. through the UI
Blocks Blocks are positioned in regions defined by your theme They can appear or be hidden based on user role, content type, or path Go to Structure > Blocks
Next Week We’ll cover: Views Menus Users and roles Image styles Troubleshooting …Other stuff as needed
For Next Week Finish adding dummy content (add a few more people and quotes) Think of any topics (specific to your project?) you’d like to cover in the final week