Take advantage of this special overview. Deedra Rae Mason, ND Clinical Faculty-nutraMetrix Educational Institute Take advantage of this special overview. Ideal for qualified Health Specialists & business professionals looking to learn about nutraMetrix Advanced Nutraceuticals & how a nutraMetrix major can create an unprecedented successful UnFranchise Business Understanding the Economy of Healthcare Junk Science in the Nutraceutical Industry Why our comprehensive system is unique to Health Professionals nutraMetrix Educational Institute The Business of nutraMetrix Monday, April 26th, 2010 07:00 PM – 10:00 PM With a wealth of clinical experience and education, Dr. Deedra Rae Mason has consistently contributed to the health and well being of her patients and the community. Dr. Mason is very proud to be a part of nutraMetrix educational institute as clinical faculty. It is with great excitement that she delivers lectures relevant to your health and wellness business. Her focus is training a fundamental understanding of formulations, and the impact you can make in your customers lives. A graduate of the National College of Natural Medicine in Portland, Oregon, she received her Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine. Presently, she is a practicing naturopathic physician for the Sachi Wellness Center in West Linn, Oregon emphasizing lifestyle assessments and family health. $15.00 Pre-registration required Space is limited Location : Best Western 216 Route 46 East Fairfield, NJ 07004 Phone: (973) 575-7700 for information, please contact Bei Lu: 732-682-6815