Occipitofrontalis muscle 1. Muscle of scalp: Galea aponeurotica Fibers of orbicularis oculi Elevetes eyebrows, as in surprise look Occipitofrontalis muscle Occipital bone Galea aponeurotica Draws scalp backwards
2. Auricularis posterior 2. Muscles of the auricle: 3. Auricularis superior 1. Auricularis anterior 3 1 2 Galea aponeurotica Vicinity of the outer ear Wiggles ear 2. Auricularis posterior
2. Corrugator supercilii 2. Muscles of the eyelids: 2. Corrugator supercilii 2 Brow ridge of frontal bone Skin of eye brow Pulls eyebrows together 1 1. Orbucularis oculi Medially from medial palpebral ligament Around orbital margin & in eyelids Close eyelid
1. Levator labii superioris 5. Muscles around the mouth: 2 Upper maxilla Skin of upper lip Elevates angle of the mouth 2. Levator anguli oris 1. Levator labii superioris 1 3. Orbicularis oris Infraorbital patr of Maxilla Skin of upper lip Raises lateral aspect of upper lip 3 Sphincter muscle within lips Encircles mouth Close mouth
5 6 7 5. Muscles around the mouth: 7. Risorius 5. Zygomaticus minor Zygomatic bone Skin at angle of mouth Draws angle of mouth upwards 5. Zygomaticus minor 5 6 6. Zygomaticus major 7 7. Risorius Fascia over masseter Skin at angle of mouth Draw angle of mouth laterally
1 6. Muscle of the neck: Platysma Fascia of upper thorax Mandible & skin of lower lip Draws outer lower lip down Platysma 1
Sternum and clavicle draw head towards shoulder Sternocleidomastoid
Digastric muscle Sternohyoid Manubrium Body of hyoid Depresses hyoid
Digastric muscle Mandible – mastoid process of temporal bone to hyoid Depress mandible—raise hyoid
Mylohyoid Internal surface of mandible Hyoid bone Elevates floor of mouth