Parts of a Horse.


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Presentation transcript:

Parts of a Horse

Main Idea What are the proper name for the external parts of a horse?

Why learn the names? To describe conformation To judge horses To care for horses To discuss and use tack

Parts of a Horse Ears Poll Forelock Mane An expressive part of the horse Poll Bony prominence, highest point on the horse’s body when head is up Forelock Lock of hair down the horses face Mane Long, coarse hair on the top of neck

Poll Ears Forelock Mane

Parts of a Horse Crest Shoulder Withers Curved top line of the neck; fuller in male Shoulder Hard, bony prominence surrounded by heavy muscle masses Should be long, sloping and muscular Withers Prominent ridge where neck and back join Height is measured here

Crest Poll Ears Withers Forelock Mane Shoulder

Parts of a Horse Heartgirth Back Barrel Circumference around the horse directly behind the front legs and over the highest part of the withers Used to estimate weight (Heartgirth X Heartgirth X Body Length)/330 = Estimated horse weight in pounds Back From the base of the withers to where the last rib is attached to the spine Concave back – swayback Opposite – roachback Barrel Extends from behind the shoulders to the loins

Crest Poll Ears Withers Forelock Back Mane Barrel Shoulder Heartgirth

Parts of a Horse Point of Hip Loin Croup Flank First place indicating weight loss Loin Short area joining the back to rump Croup Between the loin and the tail Highest point in hind quarters Flank Area below the loin between the last rib and the thigh

Croup Crest Poll Ears Loin Withers Forelock Point of Hip Back Mane Barrel Shoulder Flank Heartgirth

Parts of a Horse Thigh Buttock Quarter Stifle Massive muscles attached to and around the femur bone Buttock Used to determine body length Quarter AKA hindquarter Should be well muscled Stifle Joint at the end of the thigh

Croup Crest Poll Ears Loin Withers Forelock Point of Hip Back Mane Buttock Thigh Barrel Shoulder Quarter Flank Heartgirth Stifle

Parts of a Horse Gaskin Hock Cannon Pastern Between the stifle and the hock Hock Joint between gaskin and cannon bone Cannon Bone between knee and fetlock Pastern From the fetlock to the top of the hoof Shock absorber

Croup Crest Poll Ears Loin Withers Forelock Point of Hip Back Mane Buttock Thigh Barrel Shoulder Quarter Flank Heartgirth Stifle Gaskin Hock Cannon Bone Pastern

Parts of a Horse Coronet Hoof Fetlock Elbow Band around the top of the hoof where the hoof wall grows Hoof Horny wall and sole of the foot Fetlock Joint between the cannon bone and the pastern Elbow Bony prominence lying against the chest at the beginning of the forearm

Croup Crest Poll Ears Loin Withers Forelock Point of Hip Back Mane Buttock Thigh Barrel Shoulder Quarter Flank Heartgirth Stifle Elbow Gaskin Hock Cannon Bone Fetlock Pastern

Parts of the Horse Chestnuts Knee Forearm Arm Horny growths on the inside of the horses legs Knee Joint on the front leg Forearm Extends from the elbow to the knee Arm Muscles around and attached to the humerus bone

Croup Crest Poll Ears Loin Withers Forelock Point of Hip Back Mane Buttock Thigh Barrel Shoulder Quarter Flank Heartgirth Stifle Arm Elbow Gaskin Forearm Hock Knee Cannon Bone Fetlock Pastern

Parts of a Horse Chest/Breast Neck Throat latch Muscle mass between the forelegs Neck Should be slightly arched Blend smoothly and not appear to emerge between the forelegs Throat latch Where windpipe, esophagus and blood vessels traverse from the head to the body

Croup Crest Poll Ears Loin Withers Forelock Point of Hip Back Mane Buttock Throat latch Thigh Barrel Neck Shoulder Quarter Flank Heartgirth Stifle Chest Arm Elbow Gaskin Forearm Hock Knee Cannon Bone Fetlock Pastern

Parts of a Horse Cheek Muzzle Face/Forehead Side of the horse’s face between upper and lower jaw Muzzle Includes chin, mouth and nostrils Face/Forehead Space between the horse’s eyes from the top of the head at the ears down to the top of the nose

Croup Crest Poll Ears Loin Withers Forelock Point of Hip Back Mane Forehead Buttock Throat latch Thigh Barrel Neck Cheek Shoulder Quarter Flank Heartgirth Muzzle Stifle Chest Arm Elbow Gaskin Forearm Hock Knee Cannon Bone Fetlock Pastern

Eyes Eye colors: Albino horse can have blue eyes or one blue and one brown Other horses can have brown, blue or walleyes Work independently and can see almost 180 degrees with each eye Cannot see directly behind or in front Protected by bony sockets, lids and lashes

Summary Various body parts should be in proportion Ideal horses possess good balance from Aesthetics Better coordination Smooth ride