Controlled Drugs
Some Drugs that have been making headlines in the news over the last decade include the so called “hallucinogenic” drugs: LSD Marijuana Heroin Cocaine, etc. With the exception of marijuana, these have been classified as alkaloids. Alkaloids: basic nitrogen containing plant products having marked physiological action when given to animals. Most white powders.
NCH 1 HO O CH O CH COO Codeine Heroin Sometimes, just a slight change in structure can produce compounds with quite different properties as shown in the comparison of the structures for Codeine and Heroin. NCH
Cocaine is the main alkaloid in the leaves of the coca bush and stimulates action on the central nervous system which allows for great physical endurance.
C O = CH - CH 1 N CH ll __ Cocaine Most alkaloids can be identified by the colored precipitated they form with specific reagents. Observation under various types of lighting and the results of chromatography can also be used to identify an unknown drug.
LSD- lysergic acid diethylamide- is the alkaloid from ergot, a fungus on rye and cereals. It can also be prepared synthetically in the laboratory. Only 50 micrograms taken orally produces psychosis, resembling schizophrenia. _________ N H ll O C C H 1 1 LSD
Beside changes in visual perception, depersonalization and brain disturbances, LSD can also damage the chromosomes. This drug has also been found in candies, aspirin tablets, sugar cubes and blotting paper.
The first step in screening a suspicious hallucinogenic sample is to examine it under ultraviolet light. Most hallucinogens show up as florescent areas. If this test is positive, the substance can then be dissolved in an appropriate solvent and tested further with the appropriate chemical agent. Thin layer chromatography can be used to detect micrograms of the material.
Marijuana is the only mind-bender that does not contain nitrogen Marijuana is the only mind-bender that does not contain nitrogen! It is the most widely used illegal drug. It actually is not a drug, but the dried parts of the hemp plant, Cannabis sativa. The active component is tetrahydrocannabinol. One of the first steps in the examination of suspected marijuana is the visual ID under a microscope. At the base of the leaf hairs, you should be able to observe small crystals of calcium carbonate. If a drop of hydrochloric acid is added to material, bubbles of carbon dioxide gas will be produced. CH 1 CH 1 (CH ) --- CH 1 1 1 Tetrahydrocannabinol o CH 1 CH 1
CaCo3+ 2HCI CaCl2 + H2O+CO2 A chemical test that is positive for marijuana is the Duquenois Test. When one or two milliliters of Duquenois reagent (0.5 ml fresh acetaldehyde, 1.0g vanillin and 50ml ethanol) is added to a sample in a test tube and shaken for a minute, the solution turns pink, then violet and then blue upon standing. When the material is extracted with 2ml of chloroform, a purple or dark blue color in the chloroform layer is a positive test. Thin layer chromatography can also be used on residues or extracts of marijuana to detect its presence.
Experiment 2 Identification of Stimulated Controlled Drugs Examination of Simulated LSD Materials Needed Simulated LSD Ultraviolet Light Procedure Carefully shine an ultraviolet light on the bag of simulated LSD. There is no need to remove the material from the bag. Are there any fluorescent areas? Record observations. Caution: Do not look directly at the ultraviolet light or it could cause harm to the eyes! Shine the light directly on the sample and do not allow the light to fall on the eyes of classmates.
B. Examination of Simulated Marijuana Materials Needed Simulated Marijuana Hydrochloric acid Depression plate or microscope slide Procedure Place a few tiny granules of the simulated marijuana in a depression plate or on a microscope slide. Holding the eye dropper or bottle tip vertically, allow a tiny drop of dilute hydrochloric acid to come in contact with the simulated marijuana. Record your observations. What is the gas produced? Carefully rinse off the plate or slide in the sink. Name another technique that could be used to detect the presence of marijuana in a sample. Record on the data sheet.