How do we use the Scientific Method?


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Presentation transcript:

How do we use the Scientific Method?

State Problem Your problem is what you are testing. Choose something that you are able to research and that interests you.

State Problem Cont. Always have an Independent and Dependent variable. Independent – What you are changing. Dependent – What you are measuring. Your problem must be written as a Question Ex: If I give one plant compost, it will grow taller than the plants without compost.

Gather Information Perform any research necessary. Often times, you will find previous attempts at what you are experimenting on.

Form A Hypothesis Write “If...then” statements when creating a hypothesis. Ex: IF I water the plant every day, THEN it will grow tall. Must address both variables.

Hypothesis Cont. What if I’m wrong? It’s not about being wrong or right. Educated Guess

Perform An Experiment This is how you test your hypothesis and where your data will be collected. You should have at least ten trials. Mistakes happen – DO IT AGAIN! 

Analyze Data 2 types of data Quantitative – numbers Qualitative – descriptions You must write down daily what you observe and measure. Data is your PROOF!

Draw Conclusions Conclusions tell you if your hypothesis was “SUPPORTED” or “NOT SUPPORTED” Supported experiment is repeated to to collect more data. NOT Supported hypothesis is revised and the process begins again.