Irlen Syndrome What’s It All About? © Irlen Institute 2014
What is Irlen Syndrome? Technically: A Visual Perceptual Disorder The brain is unable to process certain wavelengths of light © Irlen Institute 2014
What are the Symptoms? Light Sensitivity Attention Deficit Inefficient Reading Slow Reading Rate Attention Deficit Strain or Fatigue Poor Depth Perception © Irlen Institute 2014
Who has Irlen Syndrome? 46% Learning disabilities, reading problems 33% AD/HD, Dyslexia, behavior problems 14% General population, gifted, good readers 70% Head injury, concussion, or whip lash 30% Autism © Irlen Institute 2014
What do people see when reading? A few examples… Blurry Seesaw Rivers © Irlen Institute 2014
What do people see? A few more examples… Washout Star Wars Swirl And there are lots more! © Irlen Institute 2014
How do I know if I have it? Reading Difficulties Discomfort Skip words or lines Lose place Repeat lines Misread words Reading slow or choppy Reading gets harder the longer you read Trouble understanding what you read Eyes: hurt, ache, burn Eyes: dry, sandy, scratchy, itchy, heavy Sleepy Headache, dizzy, nauseous More difficult to read with bright or fluorescent lights © Irlen Institute 2014
Choosing Your Colour? Self selection doesn’t work Some colours can be worse than white See the SpLD team for an Irlen Screen © Irlen Institute 2014
Are you affected by the following: Discomfort: in fluorescent light, bright lights, sunlight, lights at night
Do you get this? Eyestrain and headaches: fatigue and/or tension from - reading, computers, lighting
Do you have? Problems judging distance: causing difficulty with stairs, escalators, driving and sports
Do you experience this? Concentration problems: reading comprehension, listening and completing work
Does a white background affect you? Contrast and glare: from black print on white paper, whiteboards, computer screen
Is this you? Less fluent reading: losing your place, missing lines, poor tracking, slow reading, not being able to ‘see’ words in groups, poor comprehension - having to reread a lot
Do you see - Distortions in print: blurring, fading, swirling, seeing ‘worms’ or ‘rivers’, print ‘lifting’ and moving
How to Get an Irlen Screen Make an appointment with the SpLD team at the Main Reception in the Norwich Building
Further Information….