CAN AMERICA RETURN TO GOD 2 Chronicles 7:14 Can America Return To God by Mark Beaird Modified by Brother Bob READBURN GOSPEL ASSEMBLY 4/24/2016
SOME REASONS WHY JESUS WEEPS FOR AMERICA Most women that get abortions in the United States claim to be Christian. Protestant women get 42 percent of all abortions and Catholic women get 27 percent of all abortions. Approximately 3,000 Americans lost their lives as a result of the destruction of the World Trade Center towers on 9/11. Every single day, more than 3,000 American babies are killed by abortion when you include all forms of abortion. It has been reported that a staggering 41 percent of all New York City pregnancies end in abortion.
SOME REASONS WHY JESUS WEEPS FOR AMERICA A Department of Homeland Security report that was released in January 2012 says that if you are “anti-abortion”, you are a potential terrorist. According to the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, there are 747,408 registered sex offenders in the United States. In the United States today, more than half of all couples “move in together” before they get married. It has been estimated that 89 percent of all pornography is produced in the United States.
SOME REASONS WHY JESUS WEEPS FOR AMERICA An all-time high 59 percent of all Americans believe that the traditional definition of marriage needs to be changed. Planned Parenthood receives hundreds of millions of dollars from the federal government every single year. In America today, there are 60 million people that abuse alcohol and there are 22 million people that use illegal drugs. There are more than 3 million reports of child abuse in the United States every single year. 73 percent of the religiously unaffiliated support gay marriage and 72 percent of the religiously unaffiliated support legalized abortion. America has the highest incarceration rate and the largest total prison population in the entire world by a wide margin.
CAN AMERICA RETURN TO GOD II Chron. 7:14 "If my people which are called by my name will humble themselves, and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land."
CAN AMERICA RETURN TO GOD I. IF MY PEOPLE WHICH ARE CALLED BY MY NAME... A. There can be no “finger-pointing” when returning to God. He’s talking to us. B. Judgment always begins at the House of God.
CAN AMERICA RETURN TO GOD II. ...WILL HUMBLE THEMSELVES AND PRAY AND SEEK MY FACE… A. It is good to be a proud American as long as we can bow to God. B. Prayer is never obsolete, outdated or too late.
CAN AMERICA RETURN TO GOD III. ...AND TURN FROM THEIR WICKED WAYS... A. We are notorious for repenting but not turning. Repentance means to turn. B. Do we love evil too much to turn from it?
CAN AMERICA RETURN TO GOD IV. ...THEN I (GOD) WILL HEAR FROM HEAVEN... A. God is waiting to hear from us. B. God longs for America to return to Him.
CAN AMERICA RETURN TO GOD V. ...AND WILL FORGIVE THEIR SIN AND HEAL THEIR LAND… A. Forgiveness awaits all who will turn. B. Healing awaits all who turn. Can America return to God? If America wants to - YES. Do we want to?
WILL YOU HELP AMERICA RETURN TO GOD? FIRST, THERE IS POWER IN PRAYER SECOND, THERE IS THE POWER OF TRUTH THIRD, THERE IS THE POWER OF EXAMPLE LOVE GOD LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR CAUTION: The Bible clearly states that Christians will be persecuted. Be that as it may, you should not let persecution discourage you from being a Christian. Accepting Jesus Christ as your Savior is one of the most important things you will do on this Earth. You shouldn't avoid it just because of the persecution. CHOOSE GODLY LEADERS BE HIS WITNESSES
WILL AMERICA RETURN TO GOD Happy Intelligent Person Pursuing Infinite Enlightenment