Year 11 GCSE Media Exam Preparation
Focus for today Explain what you will do to market and promote your chosen game. Explain what you think the USP of your chosen game is and why it will appeal to your audience It would be good to work in a pair (no more than this) with someone developing the same game as you.
What you need to have done before the exam You need to have thought about how you will market and promote your chosen game in three ways: Old media promotion (TV Ads/trailers, Posters, other forms of old media) New media promotion (Web, Social Media) How each of these campaigns appeals to your audience
Firstly….who is your audience? Build an audience profile for your chosen game – the typical player. Write it on the computer and include Age Gender Social Class Lifestyle choices (Music, TV, Brands, Leisure) At the end of the profile say why this profile fits with the game. You should then revise this before the exam
USP What is the USP of these products? Aero Cillit Bang iPhone Toyota Prius
Secondly….USP What do you think the USP is of your chosen game? Get together with someone else doing that game and discuss it? After your discussion, write down what you think the USP is
Marketing and Promotion – General things Think about the cost of advertising (in general, what is likely to be expensive and what will be cheap) Think about your BRAND. Your messages should be consistent across the different media you are using. For example, look at the three Nike adverts – what do they have in common?
Thirdly…Old Media You may do some drawing to help you answer this question, but largely it will be written. It also needs to be quite brief! Think about what the packaging for the game will be like and why What a logo for the game might be like What a poster or flyer for the game might be like. You should really try to be consistent in developing the branding for the game e.g two or three key colours, a repeatable slogan or tagline. If you are going to do a TV ad for the production task you can talk about it briefly here – if you are not doing it for that task, you may talk in a little more detail. Think narrative, characters, shots. USE TECHNICAL TERMS With your partner, write down your thoughts on these things on the computer. You might like to do some illustrations as well.
Fourthly….New Media Again, you might do drawing here, but this paragraph is probably going to be more about explaining the way that social media works. Create website names, twitter handles and hashtags for your game and say why they would be effective. Say how you might use Twitter or Instagram to create communities around the game or for celebrity endorsement. Explain how your website will extend the game and give players something “extra” What sort of things will be on your games’ Facebook page? Write these things down – you can work with a partner
Class Feedback Lets talk about people’s ideas so far….. Remember to use as many appropriate technical terms as you can when discussing your ideas and work.
Revision Homework Draft answers to questions two and three for Monday’s revision session.