Welcome to our webinar! Who is in the room? Please introduce yourself in the chat window: Your name Your position Your city/state Don’t forget to call in so that you can chat orally with us! We want to HEAR from you. Conference number: 866-767-8829 Conference code: 239 039 2569
Preparing for CS Education Week (Part One) Cullen White from Teach for America, along with Jaishri Shankar, and Claire Shorall November 3, 2016 American Institutes for Research.
Preparing for CS Ed Week Part 1 Thursday, November 3rd, 2016
Agenda 1 Introductions 2 CS Ed Week in Oakland Unified School District 3 CS Ed Week with Local Partners 4 Q&A 5 Additional Resources
Agenda 1 Introductions 2 Overview of CS Ed Week in Oakland Unified School District 3 Overview of CS Ed Week with Local Partners 4 Q&A 5 Additional Resources
Click here for notes from tonight’s webinar: Tonight’s Panelists Cullen White Teach For America Director, Computer Science Click here for notes from tonight’s webinar: https://docs.google.com/document/d/14Exp_AYPd7aqEJbNatJcWYxH2KySeklqK1uMyucseaE/edit?usp=sharing
Tonight’s Panelists Claire Shorall Manager of Computer Science, Oakland Unified School District Claire Shorall teaches Computer Science at Castlemont High School in Oakland, CA. She works tirelessly to expose her students to opportunities, experiences and careers in STEM. She recruits students of all skill levels into her classes and ensures success for all through student centered learning. In addition to her work at Castlemont, Claire supports teachers throughout her district in offering Computer Science courses at their schools through individualized support and professional development.
Tonight’s Panelists Jaishri Shankar Algebra I and Advanced Math & Computing Teacher Washington Leadership Academy Jaishri currently serves as a math and computing instructor for Washington Leadership Academy in Washington, DC. She was formerly an 8th grade science teacher at Kingstree Middle School in South Carolina, where she also led her students to great success in after-school coding programs using Google’s CS First. She has also served as a robotics coach and is consistently looking for ways to integrate computational thinking and CS career information into any and all of the classes that she teaches.
Agenda 1 Introductions 2 CS Ed Week in Oakland Unified School District 3 CS Ed Week with Local Partners 4 Q&A 5 Additional Resources
2015 Intentions: Tactics: Outcomes: Mobilize a group of young people to be the [Code] Champions of CS across the district Promote CS and offer classes at all district HS in 2016-17 Tactics: Train a group of Code Champions Student leadership at sites Engage a group of for-profit and nonprofit entities Outcomes: CS enrollment in OUSD up 400% Large-scale investments from for-profits Increased general CS visibility in the district 5:35-5:45
2016 Intentions: Tactics: [Hopeful] Outcomes: An “Hour” is antithetical; deep engagement Broaden participation across the city Expose students to a variety of opportunities in the tech sector Tactics: Utilize “Read-In” model to recruit and train volunteers Branding strategy, encourage events Encourage all principals to sign-up [Hopeful] Outcomes: Students see the relevancy of tech to their lives Oakland’s tech ecosystem sees common purpose behind support of CS education 5:35-5:45
Agenda 1 Introductions 2 CS Ed Week in Oakland Unified School District 3 CS Ed Week with Local Partners 4 Q&A 5 Additional Resources
Engaging Local Partners in CS Ed Week 5:50-6:00
Tips for Hour of Code Events (and AspireIT apps) 1. Go Unplugged! CS Ed Week doesn’t have to be dominated by technology. 2. You don’t have to have the technical know-how to be able to execute. If you can provide logistical support and students, you can find a partner to support you on the technical side. 3. Build a framework, then flesh out the details. Get started earlier to provide more time to flesh out details with a partner. The more you wait, the more your students will too! 5:50-6:00 Learn more about AspireIT here: https://www.ncwit.org/project/aspireit-k-12-outreach-program 4. Talk through your idea with someone you know! Need a sounding board? Feel free to reach out! Jaishri.Shankar@gmail.com
Agenda 1 Introductions 2 Overview of CS Ed Week in Oakland Unified School District 3 Overview of CS Ed Week with Local Partners 4 Q&A 5 Additional Resources
Q+A 6:05-6:15
Agenda 1 Introductions 2 Overview of CS Ed Week in Oakland Unified School District 3 Overview of CS Ed Week with Local Partners 4 Q&A 5 Additional Resources
Additional Resources Make sure to check out our notes from this evening’s call here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/14Exp_AYPd7aqEJbNatJcWYxH2KySeklqK1uMyucseaE/edit?usp=sharing Find more information about NCWIT’s Aspire IT Initiative here: https://www.ncwit.org/project/aspireit-k-12-outreach-program 6:15-6:20
Thank you!
Upcoming activities November 16: Preparing for CS Ed Week webinar (Part Two) with Colleen Lewis of CSTeachingTips November 30: Diversity does not equal equity webinar with Gail Chapman December 5-11: #CSEdWeekPhotoChallenge2016
CS for All Teachers Email: csforallteachers@air.org Website: https://csforallteachers.org/ Twitter: @CSforAllTchrs