Equity 2020 Facilities Proposals BOARD OF EDUCATION October 18, 2016
Agenda Study Process Final Building Capacities Projected Utilization Evaluation Criteria Planning Alternatives Workshop Next Steps
Study Process
Project Timeline Comprehensive Enrollment Analysis and Projections/ Committee Criteria Deeper Analysis on Enrollment Flows Preliminary Proposals Review/ Outreach Kick-Off/ SWOT Analysis School Consolidation Primer and Examples Facilities Capacities and Public Engagement Alternatives Development Preferred Proposal(s) Refinement All Equity 2020 Committee presentations are available on the HPS website at: http://www.hartfordschools.org/equity-2020-news-2/
Building Capacities
Capacity & Utilization Summary: District Wide
Utilization Benchmarking How does HPS overall utilization of 73% compare to other urban districts? Waterbury: PK-8 overall utilization was 109% in 2014-15 Norwalk: PK-5 overall utilization was 102% in 2015-16 (targeting 90%), middle schools were 96% (targeting 90%) Stamford: PK-5 overall utilization was 98% in 2013; 6-8 was 80%, but projected to rise to 93%; high schools exceeded capacity – school construction underway Baltimore City Schools: 79% in 2014-15, targeting 86% by 2019-20 Washington D.C. Public Schools: 72% in 2012, targeted 84% in consolidation plan Philadelphia Public Schools: 68% in 2011 precipitated consolidations Boston Public Schools: 68% in 2015 (currently considering consolidation)
Summary Excess capacity in the HPS system, particularly in Zones 1 & 2 Potential for more efficient operations City-wide The utilization rate at which HPS Schools are currently operating is the rate at which other large urban districts that offer a portfolio of schools have undertaken school consolidation
Projected Utilization
Enrollment Projection Assumptions Districtwide enrollment projections govern overall cap on individual school enrollment projections Magnet school enrollments are maximized and operate at 50/50 split of residents to non-residents District Open Choice school enrollments are maximized
Projected Utilization Based on calculated capacity and enrollment projections Phasing out Culinary Arts and moving three schools into Weaver removes approximately 600 seats from the overall capacity and redistributes seats amongst zones; therefore, zone 1 utilization is projected to improve in 2019-20 Note that projected very low utilization of Bulkeley and Hartford Public High Schools brings zones 3 and 4 overall projected utilization down by 4-6 percentage points Utilization is projected to continue to decline due to projected declining enrollments
Evaluation Criteria
E2020 Discussions Goals – Improve availability of quality educational seats (programs, performance, facilities, etc.) in a portfolio of schools Develop a long-range plan Maximize resources (financial, facilities, human, etc.) Assessment of current conditions against these goals necessary to take logical approach to proposals
Evaluation Criteria – Quality Seats Facility conditions Ranking of facilities based on ongoing evaluation by Facilities Department and 2014 Facilities Study Rank 1 indicates the best conditions, while Rank 5 indicates facilities in the worst condition (summary scores weight facilities conditions) School performance K-8 Grades: Two-year average of % of students meeting or exceeding Level 3 in reported Smarter Balanced Assessment results (ELA & Math) 9-12 Grades: 2015-16 reported SAT results, by average math & verbal scores Rank 1: highest performing 30%; Rank 2: 30th-60th percentile; Rank 3: lowest performing Student need Direct Certified students as percentage of total enrollment by school Rank 1: lowest 30% of need; Rank 2: 30th-60th percentile; Rank 3: greatest need Utilization Rating shows seat availability for each facility; Rank 1 indicates <50 seats available, 2 indicates 50-199, and 3 indicates ≥200 available
Evaluation Criteria (By Summary Score) Targets for improving access to quality seats Snapshot in time Program movement affects ratings
Program movement affects ratings Evaluation Criteria (By Summary Score) Snapshot in time Program movement affects ratings
Planning Proposals
Planning Proposal Goals Ensure quality educational seats are available to Hartford Public Schools students and families Maximize seats in magnet and highest performing schools Reduce excess capacity beginning in 2017-18 Minimize transportation burden of consolidations Find a home for Montessori @ Moylan in 2017-18 Find a home for Achievement First Summit in 2017-18 Find a home for New Visions in 2017-18
Planning Proposal Discussion Proposals presented tonight focus on facilities consolidation and/or relocation of existing programs Following Board of Ed approval, HPS central office staff will develop an implementation plan to address: Programming – New, expanded or reduced programming; pathways; access to extracurricular activities; etc. Finances – Potential for savings that can be reinvested; potential costs; transportation impacts; etc. Community services – Maintaining or improving accessibility of student and family services currently available Transitions – Planning for student, family and staff transitions
Proposal 1 – Two Phases Phase II | 2019-20 Weaver opens High School Inc. relocates/ closes from leased space to Weaver JMA program relocates from JMA to Weaver Kinsella 9-12 relocates/ closes from leased space to Weaver JMA building becomes 5-8 Wish becomes PK-4 High Roads at Kinsella relocates to Moylan Phase I | 2017-18 Clark does not reopen Achievement First Summit relocates from Global to Fox Middle MLK closes Simpson-Waverly closes McDonough relocates from McDonough to Moylan Moylan Montessori relocates from Moylan to McDonough Burns closes High Roads at Simpson-Waverly relocates to Moylan
Seats Available in Potential Receiving Schools Proposal 1 – Phase I Detail Schools Consolidated or Relocated Seats Available in Potential Receiving Schools Red text indicates facilities closure
Seats Available in Potential Receiving Schools Proposal 1 – Phase II Current Enroll in Schools Consolidated or Relocated Seats Available in Potential Receiving Schools Red text indicates facilities closure or lease end
Proposal 1 – Summary Closes four schools and ends three current leases - net decrease of 2,946 seats Quality seats available to students in consolidated schools – District to determine possible guaranteed seats, lottery preference and/or catchment areas New Visions will be relocated pending identification of appropriate site Culinary is phased out by 2018-19
Proposal 2 – Two Phases Phase II | 2019-20 Phase I | 2017-18 Weaver opens High School Inc. relocates/ closes from leased space to Weaver JMA program relocates from JMA to Weaver Kinsella 9-12 relocates/ closes from leased space to Weaver JMA building becomes 5-8 Wish becomes PK-4 Simpson-Waverly closes Phase I | 2017-18 Clark does not reopen Achievement First Summit relocates from Global to Fox Middle MLK closes Milner closes High Roads relocates from Simpson- Waverly and Kinsella to Bulkeley McDonough relocates to Hartford Public High Moylan Montessori relocates from Moylan to McDonough Burns closes
Seats Available in Potential Receiving Schools Proposal 2 – Phase I Current Enroll in Schools Consolidated or Relocated Seats Available in Potential Receiving Schools Red text indicates facilities closure or lease end
Seats Available in Potential Receiving Schools Proposal 2 – Phase II Current Enroll in Schools Consolidated or Relocated Seats Available in Potential Receiving Schools Red text indicates facilities closure or lease end
Proposal 2 – Summary Closes five schools and ends three current leases - net decrease of 3,513 seats Quality seats available to students in consolidated schools – District to determine possible guaranteed seats, lottery preference and/or catchment areas New Visions will be relocated pending identification of appropriate site Culinary is phased out by 2018-19
Proposal 3 – Two Phases Phase II | 2019-20 Phase I | 2017-18 Clark does not reopen Achievement First Summit relocates from Global to Fox Middle Capital Community College Magnet Academy closes MLK closes Simpson-Waverly closes Global 9-12 closes Breakthrough II demagnetizes and transitions to a neighborhood PK-5 school with same programming Rawson SPED programming relocates to Breakthrough II McDonough relocates to Hartford Public High Moylan Montessori relocates from Moylan to McDonough Burns closes High Roads at Simpson-Waverly relocates to Moylan Phase II | 2019-20 Convert to PK-5, 6-8, 9-12/ 6-12 model Bulkeley, Hartford Public High, JMA and MD Fox receive 6-8 enrollments Asian Studies, Batchelder, Burr, Kennelly, Naylor, SAND, West Middle and Wish become PK-5 Weaver opens with High School Inc. 9-12, Kinsella 9-12, and JMA 9-12 JMA building becomes neighborhood 6-8 - feeds Weaver High School Inc. relocates/ closes from leased space to Weaver Kinsella 9-12 lease ends Milner closes High Roads at Kinsella relocates to Moylan
Seats Available in Potential Receiving Schools Proposal 3 – Phase I Current Enroll in Schools Consolidated or Relocated Seats Available in Potential Receiving Schools Red text indicates facilities closure or lease end
Seats Available in Potential Receiving Schools Proposal 3 – Phase II Current Enroll in Schools Consolidated or Relocated Seats Available in Potential Receiving Schools Red text indicates facilities closure or lease end
Proposal 3 – Summary Closes five schools and ends four current leases - net decrease of 3,573 seats Quality seats available to students in consolidated schools – District to determine possible guaranteed seats, lottery preference and/or catchment areas Significant change to educational system with grade reconfiguration New Visions will be relocated pending identification of appropriate site Culinary is phased out by 2018-19