Bower Park Academy ensured that all students succeeded at University, or a real alternative, thrived in a top job and had a great life.
Options 2017 - 2019 Wednesday 15th March – Extended Form time on Careers & Options All assemblies from this point onwards will involve HoDs talks Wednesday 19th April /Thursday 20th April –Options Talk W/B Monday 24th April – Options Week – Subjects deliver a GCSE style lesson for all year 9s. Thursday 27th April – Careers Fayre Wednesday 3rd May – Year 9 Parents Evening Friday 12th May – Deadline for choices (Interviews?) W/B 12th June – students informed of options offer
The following subjects are compulsory for all students: Compulsory Subjects The following subjects are compulsory for all students: GCSE English Language & Literature, GCSE Maths, GCSE Double Science & Physical Education
The main criteria that should be used in deciding upon a choice of subjects are: 1. Do you enjoy the subject? 2. Are you good at the subject? 3. Do you need the subject for their future career? Useful Websites: National
GCSE Art & Design 60 % controlled Assessment (This is the work you do every week in lessons and for homework. ) 40% Exam (8 weeks preparation and then10 hours over two day) This GCSE will be graded 9 -1 You will need to do AT LEAST one hour a week of homework You must to take part in organised Gallery visits You will need to attend sessions after school to use specialist Art equipment OR purchase your own.
GCSE Art & Design You will: Study the work of other artists Experiment with different art media Learn and write about the history of Art Draw from observations and found images Design ideas for final outcomes Produce final art pieces – paintings/sculptures/prints etc. If you are interested in taking Art, talk to your Art teacher and look at the displays in the Art corridor
Btec Creative Digital Media Production Comprises of Four Units Unit 1 Digital Media sectors Unit 2 Planning and Pitching a Digital Media Product Unit 3 Digital Moving Image Production Unit 4 Digital Publishing Production Each Unit is worth 25% of the final grade. Unit 1 is a formal exam
Btec Creative Digital Media Production This is a vocational qualification, equivalent to one GCSE. This qualification will be graded as follows Distinction * (A*) Distinction (A) Merit (B) Pass (C) Level 1 (E)