Looking at Student Work November 2013 Data Analysis Looking at Student Work November 2013
High School Regents Analysis allows us to: to learn more about the competencies and deficiencies of the individual being tested. to identify specific problem areas and/or needs. to evaluate the individual's performance in relation to others, a set of standards or goals. High School Regents Analysis
High School Regents Analysis and also…… Provide teachers with feedback on effectiveness of: -Instruction -Teaching Strategies -Interventions Action plans from Teacher Leads We knew in March and April that they couldn’t write why did we end up in last place Questions 24, 3, & 9 Ineffective teaching High School Regents Analysis
Looking at Student Work from Regents item analysis: A method of assessment of how a question on a test measures the performance of a student. Analyzing each item on a test to determine the proportions of students selecting each answer. Evaluate student strengths and weaknesses. Looking at Student Work from Regents
Looking at Student Work from Regents main uses: Understanding patterns of achievement in your school-wide Regents performance Identifying particular areas in which students need assistance in Looking at Student Work from Regents
High School Regents Analysis for each question number: Content Standard (strand.) Question Type (T); MC, CR, etc. Question Number (#) Correct Answer ( ) Distractor Analysis (A, B, C, D) Correct Answer ( ) % Correct (G,Y,R) Individual Student Answers (A, B, C, D) High School Regents Analysis
High School Regents Analysis individual student responses: Incorrect – White Correct – Light Green M – Multiple Answers X – Missing Answer (left blank) (-) - ??? High School Regents Analysis
High School Regents Analysis written essay responses on Disc: Individual Student (taking the Regents for the 2nd time) Written Reponses printed and provided to teachers for analysis Teachers adjust curriculum and instruction to address individual student areas of weakness In class After school Regents Prep High School Regents Analysis
Looking at Student Work from Regents what does it tell us: Were students guessing? What should I re-teach? Common Misconceptions? Strengths? Looking at Student Work from Regents
Looking at Student Work from Regents in addition: Focus on questions that the students answered between 30% and 80% correct These are the ones that are most valuable Looking at Student Work from Regents
Looking at Student Work from Regents Distractors: Information on the (frequency of) selection can help teachers identify student/class/school misconceptions and problems. Looking at Student Work from Regents
Looking at Student Work from Regents before you get started: Identify 5 questions (each) from the M/C section that they believe students would find the … “Least Challenging” (circle) – Why? “Most Challenging” (star) – Why? Looking at Student Work from Regents
Looking at Student Work from Regents Then, based on the data analysis Identify the lowest 5 questions or strands, and begin to think about: Why were these the most difficult for students? Looking at Student Work from Regents
Item and or essay question Discussion What is this question asking students to know (content) and be able to do (process/skills)? What is/are the reason(s) this was a difficult question for our students? How does this question assess student mastery of an idea, concept, … , and/or skill/process? What are the implications for instruction?
Reflections on Item/ESSAY QUESTION Analysis What surprised me most about the data was … From the data I learned … The impact of the data on my future teaching/assessment will be … In thinking about revising the curriculum, the data clearly indicates …
Looking at Student Work from Regents Identify: Major Concepts and Big Ideas that students would need to understand to successfully complete this test item. The requisite process skills (inquiry or problem solving) that are embedded in the test item The cognitive demand as indicated by the Webb Depth of Knowledge level are identified. Looking at Student Work from Regents
Looking at Student Work from Regents additional resources: http://www.regentsreviewlive.net/ http://www.edusolution.com/regentsindex.htm http://www.jmap.org/ Looking at Student Work from Regents
Middle School Item Analysis arisnyc.org: Click on connect Select TAPCo. Private Download item skills analysis tool Middle School Item Analysis
Middle School Item Analysis identify: Find most common mistakes Standards associated with each question Compare writing scores to NYC Performance Assessments Can you see a pattern? Middle School Item Analysis
Middle School Item Analysis support: EngageNY.org -Common Core Curriculum & Assessments -Data Driven Instruction -Video Library Middle School Item Analysis
Middle School Item Analysis featured resources: EngageNY.org -Curriculum Modules for ELA & Math -NYS Metrics & Expectations (2013-2014) Middle School Item Analysis
Middle School SAMPLE EXAM QUESTIONS (Multiple CHOICE AND ESSAY) featured resources: EngageNY.org Middle School SAMPLE EXAM QUESTIONS (Multiple CHOICE AND ESSAY)
Item AND/oR QUESTION Discussion What is this question asking students to know (content) and be able to do (process/skills)? What is/are the reason(s) this was a difficult question for our students? How does this question assess student mastery of an idea, concept, … , and/or skill/process? What are the implications for instruction?
Reflections on Item and/or QUESTION Analysis What surprised me most about the data was … From the data I learned … The impact of the data on my future teaching/assessment will be … In thinking about revising the curriculum, the data clearly indicates …
CLOSING THE DATA LOOP Upload your class Data Analysis results and action plans to teacher-only pages on our school website. Have meeting with Administration at end of each marking period to discuss Scholarship reports, instructional and other interventions. Be prepared to share student work that has changed as a result of your closing the data loop!