Abstract The purpose of this paper is to examine the relations between cyber medicine and trauma. My central argument is to determine whether or not cyber medicine will be the redefined way of providing medicine; and if this is to come about whether or not it will be suitable for the needs of trauma patients also my argument will access the fact of whether the patient has the appropriate privacy needed. First I will provide an elaboration of cyber medicine and trauma in the United States. Cybermedicine will be explained in such a way that it will not be confused with the black market Second I will provide a comparative analysis of cyber medicine and trauma in view of the cases of the United States and India. My central conclusions are: that the United States has seen far less cybermedicine and trauma cases than India, United States technology needs to be upsated to that of India’s and that cybermedicine is not a good method when dealing with trauma.
Cyber medicine can be used to transport body parts that are needed speak to a doctor without going into the office. To also gets a direct consultation of the surgery or anything dealing with the medical profession that can be handled in the doctor’s office, but now handled online. You can get anything from medicine all the way to a possible body part needed to save your life or a life of a known person. Cyber medicine is not to be confused with the black market Cyber medicine is the use of the world-wide web to distribute the use of medical treatment to patients without the use of a face to face consultation, or face to face examination
Cymermedicine also raises certain health challenges that are both internal and external. The use of the patient and physician relationship would be at risk When communication throughout the internet the patient does not get the direct relationship on a more personal yet totally professional level. Patients do not get the same amount of “trust” that they would get face to face. This could raise questions on whether or not the education of the doctor is that of high quality. It also goes to other basis fact on quality versus quantity. Meaning the amount of virtual doctor’s visits cannot compare to the quality of the amount of in doctors office visit.
Trauma Trauma is something that goes deeper than a wound. Trauma is the extent to where it could mean life or death. In medical terminology trauma is any injury, whether physically or emotionally inflicted. "Trauma" has both a medical and a psychiatric definition. Medically, "trauma" refers to a serious or critical bodily injury, wound, or shock. This definition is often associated with trauma medicine practiced in emergency rooms and represents a popular view of the term. In psychiatry, "trauma" has assumed a different meaning and refers to an experience that is emotionally painful, distressful, or shocking, which often results in lasting mental and physical effects. –medical dictionary
Cybermedicine & Trauma With trauma and cybermedice coinciding producing a question of moral and ethical reasoning. Ethically speaking a virtual doctor can not treat a trauma that would determine life or death. The ethical principles and non- malfeasance, beneficence auto my , veracity , confidentiality ,social responsibility ,and justice assist a physician in his relationships with patients, other physicians health care systems and society’s This is one of the many problems that this new form of technology has been brought. Before approaching the problem of whether or not it is ethical or oral is to really determine the difference between the two definitions.