Music of Hawaii
Where is Allegan, MI? Can you find Hawaii on the world map?
How many islands make up the Hawaii Islands?
Volcanoes The Hawaiian Islands were formed by volcanoes millions of years ago. There are currently three active volcanoes in Hawaii.
Try out a few Hawaiian Words
Instruments of Hawaii
Its name is taken from the Hawaiian word for "tiny“. Ukulele U’Uku Its name is taken from the Hawaiian word for "tiny“. How many strings on a Ukulele? How many strings on a guitar?
How many Ukuleles in the Ukulele family?
Ipu Heke Ipu provide rhythm and sound for the chant and dancers of Hawaiian hula. Ipu Heke is made from 2 gourds that have been cut off at the neck and hollowed. The 2 gourds are joined together with a hole cut in the top to allow the sound to escape. Ipu are usually polished smooth with sand.
Uli Uli The Uli Uli is a rattle made from the Calabash gourd, filled with seeds, & decorated with red-and-yellow feathers. It is played by hula dancers, either by shaking or tapping against the body.
Pu’ili Sticks Pu’ili sticks are made from lengths of bamboo, 12 – 18” long. They are solid at one end and cut into numerous slats on the other end. When tapped together, they make a unique rattling noise as the individual pieces click against each other. Used as part of the hula tradition, dancers have a pair of pu’ili sticks and tap them together in various positions, incorporating these moves into the overall choreography of the dance. 1 2
Hula Dance Hula dancing is the traditional art of movement, smooth bodily gestures and vocals. You may notice that Hula Dancing seems to have an incredibly smooth "flow" and the movements are extremely fluid. These movements are said to actually tell a story or represent movements of nature such as trees blowing in the wind or fish swimming smoothly in the ocean.
'ohe hano ihu (pronounced "oh-hay hah-no ee-hoo) Called the hano for short, this an ancient Hawaiian musical instrument is strongly associated with the spirit of aloha for which the islands are so famous.
Kika Kila (geetah-steel-ah) translation: Steel guitar The instrument was invented in Hawaii around 1889. It is held on the lap and played with a steel bar.