Reading Gladiators 2017-18 Year 2 Challenge @RGladiators Sam Keeley
I’ve booked Reading Gladiators – what next? 18 July – introductory webinar links sent to registered schools End of July lead teachers enrolled on RG website – please let us know if additional group leaders need registering. We will need names and email addresses to enrol them End of July discussion guide available online Beginning of Autumn term delivery of Reading Gladiators books, hard copies of discussion guide, Gladiator badges This webinar outlines the Year 6 challenge for 2017 - 18
In a nutshell… Reading Gladiators is an annual reading challenge which is designed to develop adventurous reading choices and sustained reading for pleasure, purpose and understanding. The year 2 final challenge is a family workshop designed to share the reading journey that parents have gone on with their children.
Reading Gladiators book choice 8 books chosen to take the children on a reading journey from the beginning to the end of year Start with most accessible texts and work towards a more reflective read. Focus on high quality writing and authors that are not the ‘usual suspects’ Emphasis on recently published books but with some familiarity
It’s all about the journey
2017 – 18 Book Choice
‘I had a parent thanking me for getting her son to read books that he wouldn’t usually pick up. The children are reading more and are enjoying the discussion with their friends. A bit of positive peer pressure works wonders!’ Clare Matthews, Rayne Primary School “I’ve really enjoyed the opportunity to work with my most able readers. The programme has also encouraged me to read a wider variety of books appropriate for my year group. It is true to say, that the benefits are not just for reading; I have noticed that exposure to high quality texts in Reading Gladiators has enabled children to transfer literary devices and effects in to their own writing. I feel we are seeing better cohesion, more adventurous vocabulary choices and an improved awareness of audience.” Jane Baker Filton Avenue
The Reading Gladiators Session The organisation of Reading Gladiators varies from school to school Lesson time or reading club? Length of session? Number of sessions a week? Who leads the session? What works for you?
Supporting Discussion Guide General guidance Focus on high quality dialogue and discussion Sustained reading between sessions Organising and managing the group Generic ideas for initiating and deepening discussion Guides available online from the resources area of the website end of July Hard copies sent with books early September
Supporting Discussion Guide Book specific guidance Reading rate Introductory session Middle sessions Final session Further reading suggestions Mini-challenge outline
Key dates Key Dates Month Book Mini-challenge date Webinar October The Moon Dragons 31st October The book selection and Working with parents November Grey Island Red Boat 24th November Developing Independence December I (Don’t) Like Snakes 15th December January Ossiri and the Bala Mengro 26th January Deepening Understanding February Message From the Moon 23rd February - March The Secret Railway 23rd March April Don’t Cross the Line 11th May The Final Challenge May Erica’s Elephant 15th June
Mini-challenges Monthly mini challenges Collaborative tasks designed to stimulate discussion and deepen understanding Prizes – usually books or author related prizes Optional – enter those that interest your Gladiators rather than feeling under pressure to enter every challenge Some of our schools provide opportunities for children to work on the challenges outside the regular Gladiator sessions Particularly keen groups have been known to request time to work on challenges during non-lesson time! Challenges are uploaded via the website – guidance will be sent at the beginning of September Larger files e.g. films can be submitted via WeTransfer
Webinars There are 4 webinars for teachers in the year 2 programme These are linked to different skills and aspects of development of the programme They are optional, Reading Gladiators can be effective without them but they provide an excellent CPD opportunity and will help you get the most from the programme Dates for the webinars are in your discussion guide Working with parents 2. Developing independence 3. Deepening understanding
Working With Parents Partnership with parents remains crucial in Year 2 and is built into the programme Weekly home tasks include discussion of questions, storytelling, summarising etc. Opportunities to share picture books at home and to support reading of longer books
Website Teachers registered to the website by the 24th July We will be requesting emails for group leaders so they can be registered on the website Group leaders will be sent login information Additional resources mentioned in the guide are available when you login e.g. Powerpoints, activity cards, graphic organisers
Find Your School Select your school from the drop down menu Selecting your school will take you to your challenge groups You can post updates to your group And see what other schools in your challenge area are up to
Updates The website is our community of readers Post updates to show other schools and what you have been doing The Reading Gladiators team will respond to your posts You can also comment on posts from other schools The update app is quick and simple to use Take a photo and write a short description You can bookmark the app o a mobile phone for quick posting You can also post from a computer, if you prefer
Final Challenge The final challenge for year 2 takes place in the second half of the summer term. The Gladiators will work with a member of their family where possible who is also familiar with the books. There will be an opportunity to discuss their favourite books. Children and adults will work together to create a collage which represents their reading journey using all eight books. Full details will be sent out at the beginning of the Spring Term
Contact information Please get in touch if you have any questions and we will be happy to help. Reading Gladiators Team Nikki Gamble Programme Director and Year 6 Co-ordinator Vicky Edge-Baron Programme Manager Caroline Bradley Year 4 Co-ordinator Sam Keeley Year 2 Co-ordinator