Integrating student success initiatives Los Angeles Valley College March 4, 2016 Integrating student success initiatives
welcome Deborah and Tino welcome to Valley
Goals for the Day Understand where and how the current initiatives targeting student success are operating Find applicable ways to integrate current efforts of the Equity, SSSP, and Basic Skills Initiative programs Identify scalable activities/practices that are integrated and reflect student/campus’s’ needs Guided Reflection: “How do you as campus create goals that are integrated with the initiatives on campus?” Deborah
3CSN-Mission Develop leaders in California community colleges who have the capacity to facilitate networks of faculty, staff, and students for curricular and institutional redesigns in support of increased student access, success, equity, and completion. Deborah
Theory of Change If we provide training on networking and we use action research methodologies, community college professionals will transform their environments and identities to create communities of practice that will produce powerful learning and working across campuses. This will lead to greater student success. Deborah
Building Networks that Work Identifying a Shared Problem Creating a Shared Vision of the Possible for Addressing It Building a Sustained Community of Practitioners Focusing on This Problem Deborah California Community Colleges’ Success Network
Ice Breaker Introduce yourself to the person next to you and say why you are here today and what you hope to take away/learn Jessica
Reading Together
Reading Together Read “Blind Man and the Elephant” Read “Scaling Up Excellence” Principles In what ways does the poem serve as a metaphor for what is occurring on your campus? What connections do you see among the poem, the principles, and your campus? Think/Pair Share: Arnita and Jessica
Reading Together Group A-Read excerpt from Scaling Up Excellence. Group B-Read Senate Rostrum article written by James Todd. Both Groups: Select one or two ‘golden lines’ that connect to key ideas that emerged from previous discussion. Jessica and Arnita –explain what golden lines are.
Think/Pair Share Find someone from the other group for a Think/Pair Share activity. Share your ‘golden line’ and why you selected it. What connections did you make to earlier discussion? Arnita and Jessica
BREAK Sit at different table- Arnita will tell them
Golden Circle Think about a student success activity on your campus that you may want to scale up (or one you tried to scale up in the past) Think about this morning’s readings and discussions Watch Simon Sinek’s Video: The Golden Circle Arnita or Scott
Golden Circle-Part I Individually record your why on the backside of the Golden Circle handout. *We will fill out the How and What after lunch. Jessica
Who What Mapping at LAVC Think Pair Share! Using the Who / What Map answer the questions and share with your group Create a poster w/your groups’ answers to the questions regarding Professional Learning Gallery Walk Jessica – they will need to leave the WHO WHAT Map on there table before they leave. It’s feedback for Llanet.
BSI Cohort Tracker Data SEP –LAVC Scorecard Data SSSP Targets LAVC Students: What is LAVC targeting? BSI Cohort Tracker Data SEP –LAVC Scorecard Data SSSP Targets Jessica- Refer to handout – the what makes reference to the golden circle activity
Student Success Crosswalk Consider the Crosswalk document and discuss in your group the following questions: What are some goals that are common to more than one plan? What are some programs/initiatives that are serving the goals of more than one plan? Jessica and Arnita
Integrated Planning & Implementation Worksheet & Poster Jessica
Gallery Walk on Integrated Planning Poster
Golden Circle, Part II With your table/team, revisit your why. Keeping in mind ideas and information from this morning’s readings and discussions on integrated planning, write down: The How (the processes or ways to build the what) The What (the initiative itself) Jessica and Arnita
Wrapping up and Moving Forward Llanet and evaluations