Tracker Construction DataBase status Luca Latronico INFN Pisa Glast italian software meeting - Pisa 11-12/10
Updated naming convention new convention: Part ID location (example) Strip S0123 - - - Detector DH00012 [A-D] (L0001B) Ladder LG0001 [F0-B3] (T123B2) Tray TSL123 [G1tray0 - G16tray18] (G03tr18) - - - - - - - - - manufacturer tag [G (G&A), P (MiPot), L (Laben)] type tag [T (Top), B (Bottom), G (Glast), S (SuperGlast), E (Empty)] + manufacturer tag [G (G&A), P (MiPot), L (Laben)] now officially in CyberDocs as LAT-TD-00376
Updated naming convention reasons for extra tags : necessary to uniquely identify parts from different suppliers and of different types parts-basic information included in names offer a built-in-the-name selection rule for parts assembly (can be broken!) implementation in db: new tags kept in different fields to enable separate queries on each tag parts names are displayed with extra tags in user interface multiple primary keys now necessary relationship and masks revised to include new keys
Interfaces Other institutions in the tracker collaboration: good feeling for our prototype after august collaboration meeting – could become a common solution which would simplify data transfer enquiry about data migration to Oracle (SLAC integration DB): partial vs comprehensive (through SQL server?) data migration User interface added list of parts masks can now be opened in Add (blank) or Edit mode (view) to speed up data retrieval
Interfaces Web interface new IIS server ( installed DB is working on new server new queries available Interface to instruments lab tests controlled with LabView lab measurements output will flow directly in DB: output stored to temporary Excel files (spreadsheet format) a call from LabView (from NI library) activates an import macro in DB which gets data from spreadsheet
Breaking news (no panic!) 704 SSDs (22 batches) received 9 October from Japan lots of measurements to take, lots of data to store DB already lots of feedback from real data! Manufacturer data: batches info and sample test data from HPK inserted shipping information added Production statistics study begun: efficient data manipulation to import manufacturer data revise data structure to include all man. data work on queries to reorganize/extract relevant data work on graphics display …… a crucial test is underway!