16. Absolute Assurance Romans 8:31-39 p. 1044
What then Shall we Say? End of the Probatio (1:18-8:39) (Arguments to support the Propositio (1:16-17) God wrath is being revealed (1:18 ff) Salvation reveals the righteousness of God Law told us we are sinners (3:10-18) Revealed by our disobedience (7:6-24) God sent his Son as an Atoning Sacrifice (3:21-26) Transferred our sins onto Christ, His righteousness onto us (4:22-25) Our sinful natures were crucified with Him (6:5-7) We are free to be instruments of righteousness (6:11-14) Power comes from the Spirit (7:6; 8:9)
1. The Struggle with Sin & Temptation Three rhetorical questions: If God is for us who can be against us? (v 31) What will he hold back from us now? Nothing! Have full rights of “Sonship” and Inheritance (8:14-17) Who will accuse the chosen of God? (v 33) God is the righteouser/justifier Simple legal fact: Chief justice of the universe: “These in Christ are righteous” Our sins do not stick
1. The Struggle with Sin & Temptation . . . Sin and Confession: Confession is for me! Enable God to work in my life I am already forgiven in the work of Christ Link of confession and forgiveness: Refusal to confess is about hardening of my heart. Do not fear that unknown sin may be a barrier to God The Spirit convicts us of sin (John 16:8)
1. The Struggle with Sin & Temptation . . . Who will condemn us? Jesus who died and was raised sits on God’s right hand (the place of honour) interceding for us There is “no condemnation” for those in Christ (8:1) We stand firm in these truths! There is no way we can be separated from God
2. The Struggle with Pressure & Opposition Not just theoretical (2 Cor 11:24-28) Trouble, hardship, persecution, famine, danger, . . . More martyrs in 20th century than all previous Iranian Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani sentenced to death
2. The Struggle with Pressure & Opposition . . . “We face death all day long” (Ps 44:22) BUT “We are more than conquerors” (v 37) One word: “Super-conquerors” “through him who loved us” An astounding high point of the Christian Life We don’t just survive suffering We conquer it! Through the love of Christ. External opposition draws us deeper into Him!
2. The Struggle with Pressure & Opposition . . . We will know Christ and the power of his resurrection at work in us (Phil 3:10-11) Nothing can separate us from the love of Christ It draws us closer to God! Persecution and opposition have the opposite effect Death brings us fully into the Kingdom! We have nothing to fear!
The Elephant in the Room Benefits of Salvation: Holy Spirit (8:4) Resurrection (8:10-11) Sonship (8:14-17) Inheritance (8:17, Gal 3:29) Chosen (8:29-30, 1 Pe 2:9-10) Not Forsaken (8:38-39) Belong to Israel: Ezek 36:26-27 Ps 49:15; Ez 37 (v12) Exod 4:22; Hos 11:1 Isa 60 (v 21); Ps 16:6 Deut 7:6; Amos 3:2 Deut 31:6; Isa 54:10
The Elephant in the Room . . . Has God forsaken the Jews? If he transferred his promises from them to the church could he do it again? How can we be sure about the promises we have received? This is where we go next!