Population Pyramids.


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Presentation transcript:

Population Pyramids

Exit Slip On a sheet of paper, draw a population pyramid and label all it parts.

Population Pyramid definition A series of bar graphs that show age structure of a population by gender

Parts of the Pyramid Gender Name of the place Age groups (Cohorts) Percentage of the whole population What time Period?

3 main types of Pyramids Slow growth – “The box” Rapid growth – big base “The Christmas Tree” Slow growth – “The box” Negative growth – loss of population. “The Cup”

What type of growth is each pyramid? B C D E F

Baby Boom Period of marked increase in the birth rate, especially after WWII

Demographer Person who studies statistics about people such as births, deaths, socioeconomic status, age and gender distributions to determine population growth and structure

Developed and developing countries Developed: industrialized, urban, lower unemployment, lower poverty, higher standard of living, higher per capita income and GDP. Low birth and death rates Developing : less industrialized, rural, high poverty, lower standard of living, low per capita income and GDP. High birth and death rates

Demographic Transition Model Most populations go through 4 stages of development: Stage 1 – Low population growth (high birth and death rates) Stage 2 – Rapid growth (Birth rates high,death rates drop) Stage 3 – Slow growth (Birth rates drop and death rates stay low) Stage 4 – Negative growth. (Birth and death rates drop to low levels)

Populations change in four ways: 1)People are born (births) 2) People die (deaths) 3) People move into the place (immigration) 4) People move away from the place (emigration)

Total Fertility Rate: The average number of births per woman in her lifetime. Mali and Niger in West Africa have TFRs over 7 Mali will double its population in 26 years Japan’s TFR is 1.27 What’s happening with their population? United States’ TFR is 2.05 The TFR for the world is 2.55 Let’s calculate the TFR for our mothers

Total fertility rate Map of the World    7-8 Children    6-7 Children    5-6 Children    4-5 Children    3-4 Children    2-3 Children    1-2 Children    0-1 Children

Total Fertility Rate compared to GDP (gross domestic product)

Replacement Rate The TFR that is needed for a population to just replace itself (zero population growth.) It is 2.1 babies in developing countries. Higher in countries with high death and emigration rates.

Other key terms to know Mortality rates - number of deaths per thousand people. It is 8.37 per 1,000 for the world and U.S. It is 23.74 in Angola. That just means that if you lived in Angola, you’d be 3 times more likely to die in any given year than if you lived in the U.S. Birth rates – number of births per 1,000 people per year. 13.83 in US, 51.08 in Niger. Growth rate – change in population over time. growth rate = birth rate — death rate + net immigration rate (people moving in – people moving out)

More key terms Dependency ratio – comparison of working age population with those who don’t work Formula: People 65 and over + children 14 and Under ÷ people who work × 100 Migration rate – Immigrants – emigrants ÷ 1,000. US is 4.25; United Arab Emirates is 21.71 Life expectancy – number of years a person is expected to live. The US is ranked 36th at 78.3. Japan is 1st at 82.6. Swaziland is last at 31.88 GDP – Stands for Gross Domestic Product. A measure of the total value of goods and services produced in your country in a year.

How pyramids and demographic transition match up There are __________Stage 1 countries in the world Stage 2 countries have population pyramids with a wide base (_______________________________) Stage 3 countries have a _______________________ shape and are considered countries with slow growth. Ex. United States Stage 4 countries have a cup shaped pyramid and are considered countries with _________________ growth. Ex. Many European countries.