Proper Discipline Techniques To Help Prevent Tantrums
1. Your son has a ritual of a bed time story, tooth brushing, and a goodnight kiss. But after he is put to sleep, he comes into your room every night… WHAT DO YOU DO? Let him sleep in your room on the comforters on the floor. Keep returning him to his bed night after endless night. Give him a consequence: If he gets out of bed, he won’t get to go to the park the next day.
Answer: B Keep returning him to his bed night after endless night. Kids love to cause drama and test your will so they will repeatedly do things like this. Consistency is key! After they realize that they are not allowed to stay in your room. They will stop. Don’t give in!
2. You’re at a toy store buying a present for your niece when your 4 year old begs for a toy on the shelf. You tell her it’s too expensive and her whining escalates. WHAT DO YOU DO? Don’t give in but buy her a less expensive toy while your in the checkout line. B. Point out that she already has an alpine-size mountain of stuffed animals in her room so you won’t buy it. C. Tell her no, state your reasons, and then refuse to engage in any more talk about it.
Answer: C Tell her no, state your reasons, and then refuse to engage in any more talk about it. Show that when you make a decision, you intend to stand firm. If your child senses even the slightest hesitation, she’ll press the issue so keep your response as brief as possible. If she starts to get louder, give her the option of either calming down or leaving the store.
Have her say she’s sorry. 3. You’re chatting with other moms at the playground when your child swats another youngster as they fight over a toy. WHAT DO YOU? Have her say she’s sorry. Remove her immediately so she understands hitting is wrong. C. Take away her toy and tell her not to hit.
Answer: C Although it’s a good idea to have your child apologize to her playmate and then remover her from the playground if she gets more upset, the first thing you should do is take her hand, make eye contact and tell her “No hitting!” If she calms down and plays nicely from then on, be sure to offer her words of praise.
“It’s time to put your shoes on because we’re leaving.” 4. It’s time to leave the park, but your preschooler’s happily playing in the sandbox. He really doesn’t want to go and asks for more time. What do you say? “It’s time to put your shoes on because we’re leaving.” “Will you please put your shoes on and go to the car?” C. “If you don’t get into the car right now, I’m leaving!”
Answer: A “It’s time to put your shoes on because we’re leaving.” When you ask your child a question, you’re giving him control. Instead say specifically what you want. If possible, give him a five minute warning prior to leaving and stick to it.
5. After grocery shopping your three year old refuses to sit in her car seat so you can properly buckle her. She starts screaming in the car and says, “I’m NOT sitting in this seat…” What do you do? Buckle her in with the seatbelt and let her feel like a, “big kid”. Explain to her that car seats are made to keep her safe, and if she’s not ready to be safe you can’t leave. Insist that she sits in her car seat or she will not get dinner or dessert.
Answer: B By explaining to the her that car seats are made to keep her safe, your giving them control to make a safe choice and they can take pride in knowing they made a good choice. Sometimes you may have to wait for it to “click”… patience is key! Explain to the child that safety is first. They need to be in their car seat just like you need to wear your seat belt. Always remind them cars are not toys!