The Roman World Takes Shape Chapter 5 Section 1
Romans Settle Italy Italy much easier to unify than Greece The city on seven hills (Rome) Legend has it: Twin brothers- Romulus and Remus- founded the city of Rome Etruscans lived North of Rome Romans learned much from the Etruscans
Rome Establishes a Republic Senators: Patricians; served for life and made laws for Rome Consuls: Patricians; elected by Senate to supervise the running of Rome Dictators: Patricians; elected by Senate on occasions of war Tribunes: Plebeians; elected by Plebeians to guard the interest of Plebeians Citizen-soldiers: Citizens; served in the Roman army
Characterizing Roman Society Family was basic unit- male head of household; ideal woman was loving, dignified, and strong Women played a larger role in society than did Greek women
Characterizing Roman Society Con’t Both boys/girls from upper/lower class learned to read/write Rhetoric was important for boys who wanted to pursue political careers Romans were polytheistic- many gods were adopted from Greece Zeus (Most powerful); Jupiter; Juno
Roman Republic Grows Roman political/social systems evolved at home- armies expanded this power across Italy Used basic military unit- legion Volunteer basis and provided your own weapon Eventually was paid- most income came from spoils of war Roman commanders mixed rewards with harsh punishment
Roman Republic Grows Con’t Generally treated conquered lands with justice Had to acknowledge Roman leadership, pay taxes, and supply soldiers for the Roman army In return Rome let them keep their own customs, money, and local governments To a privileged few, Rome gave full citizenship/ others partial citizenship Most conquered lands stayed loyal to Rome
From republic to Empire Chapter 5 Section 2
Julius Caesar Caesar and Pompey dominated politics Caesar set out with private army to conquer new lands (Gaul) Fearful of Caesar’s power- Pompey convinced Senate to disband Caesar’s army Caesar secretly marched into Rome and crushed Pompey and his followers Then continued on his quest of conquering more land Upon his return to Rome, he forced the Senate to make him dictator
Julius Caesar Con’t Pushed through many reforms Program of public works Reorganized government and gave more citizenship Introduced a new calendar (became our calendar today) Enemies were fearful of his power so they stabbed him to death
His death plunged Rome into new civil wars Mark Antony and Octavian joined forces to find Caesar’s murders Led to a dispute between the two Octavian defeated Anthony and his ally Queen Cleopatra of Egypt Octavian changed his name to Augustus- “Exalted One” Avoided calling himself king- but did name a successor as a king would do Began the Age of the Roman Empire
Roman Empire Augustus laid the foundation for a stable government Left senate in place and created an efficient civil service High level jobs open to men of talent, not based on class Allowed self-government to outlying cities and providences Also made economic reforms: Ordered a census to make taxes more fair Set up postal service Issued new coins to make trade easier