#2.7: SDR Band Output Validation Device PM starts presentation. Everyone speaks. You decide who goes when. Sponsor: Mr. Stephen Hicks, FlexRadio Systems Faculty Advisor: Harold Stern, PhD
Team Members & Roles NAME ROLE Zachary Gonzalez, Project Manager Sponsor Liaison, Component Selection, Software Design Yusuf Agoro, Engineer Circuit Design, PCB Assembly, Software Coding Jonathan Tavira, Engineer Circuit Design, PCB Layout, System Test # 2.7: SDR Band Output Validation Device
Project Overview Software-defined radio (SDR) systems substitute digital functions for many traditionally analog functions These systems periodically receive software or firmware updates As new software is added to the SDR, existing functions must be validated to confirm they still function correctly End Goal: Validate the external band data function on all SDRs in the Flex-6000 Signature Series line. State the problem and the project in clear terms. Use a graphic if at all possible. # 2.7: SDR Band Output Validation Device
Project Motivation The Problem: The Solution: Currently there is no automated method to verify the software that produces the USB band-data continuous to function properly The Solution: Create a device that automatically catches an issue in the software right when it is coded Why are you doing this project? What’s important / needed / beneficial about it? Why is this a good senior design project? MAKE FONT BIG # 2.7: SDR Band Output Validation Device
Previous vs Current Validation Process # 2.7: SDR Band Output Validation Device
System Interface With Flex-6300 Put in a readable top-level block diagram to show what your project does and how it fits in to the system. # 2.7: SDR Band Output Validation Device
System Hardware Design Put in a block diagram – or flow chart – of your design. Highlight in yellow the blocks that the team will be designing. # 2.7: SDR Band Output Validation Device
System Software Implementation # 2.7: SDR Band Output Validation Device
Eagle Schematic of Validation Device # 2.7: SDR Band Output Validation Device
Indicator LED Array Receives input from Band Data Control Cable Green LEDs directly shows the Band Data Control Cable’s Output # 2.7: SDR Band Output Validation Device
FTDI 230X USB Device 230X converts serial data from PIC microcontroller to USB protocol Transmit USB data to SDR # 2.7: SDR Band Output Validation Device
In-Circuit Serial Programming Enables PIC microcontroller to be re-flashed # 2.7: SDR Band Output Validation Device
Eagle Layout of Validation Device BRIEFLY summarize the results of your work – and what your design will do. USE GRAPHICS and PICTURES! Be visual!! Add slides if need be!! # 2.7: SDR Band Output Validation Device
Fully Assembled Validation Device Put in a photo of your completed project. # 2.7: SDR Band Output Validation Device
Future Work The SDR Band Output Validation Device met all of FlexRadio’s requirements In the future, the device could be enhanced so that it is enabled to receive serial commands from the radio if desired by FlexRadio BRIEFLY give 2-4 bullets of future work. BRIEF # 2.7: SDR Band Output Validation Device
Acknowledgments Texas State University Faculty and Staff Dr. Rich Compeau, Dr. Harold Stern, Dr. Stapleton, and Ms. Sarah Rivas Dr. C, we thank you for assigning us to this project FlexRadio Systems Staff Mr. Stephen Hicks, and Mr. Ed Gonzalez Without Mr. Hicks, this project would not have been possible. He has been our Jedi Master for the past nine months! Thank you for being our source of technical knowledge in order to make this project go Our Families For their unconditional love and support # 2.7: SDR Band Output Validation Device