Kansas Education Systems Accreditation
Help the Board move its vision forward. New Accreditation Model Must: Help the Board move its vision forward. Support school districts where they are. Be rigorous enough to challenge everyone’s thinking. Be unique enough to meet the various needs of our districts (size, demographics). Much like the Board’s vision, needs to be flexible.
Approve a new Framework: 5 Rs Phases to a new Accreditation Model Phase I Approve a new Framework: 5 Rs
Pedagogical Framework The Five Rs
Systems Approach vs. Buildings Outside Validation Team vs. Assurances Major Changes to Accreditation Systems Approach vs. Buildings Outside Validation Team vs. Assurances Stakeholder Participation 5-Year Cycle vs. Annual 5 Rs Framework vs. Quality Criteria Process with Multiple Results vs. AYP Target
Stakeholder Involvement Building Leadership Team (BLT) District Leadership Team (DLT) Local Board of Education (BOE) Building Site Council (BSC) District Site Council (DLT)
Familiar, Proven Process
Compliance SIMPLE STATEMENT Districts must be in good standing with KSDE regarding applicable federal and state statutes and regulations. EXAMPLES: Educator licensure (TLA) Emergency Safety Interventions (ECSETS) Bullying Policies Data submissions (IT) State assessment participation (CSAS) Follows State and Federal Laws and Regulations
Phase II Develop New Regulations Phases to a new Accreditation Model Phase II Develop New Regulations Implement a Transition Plan including Professional Development Develop a new KESA application to replace the old QPA application Design the Role of the Outside Validation Team (OVT)
Phase III Phases to a new Accreditation Model Finalize the process for determination of Accreditation Status (sample in packet) Accredited Conditionally Accredited Not Accredited Example of Conditional Accreditation Not compliant with laws and regulations and/or not following the KESA process and not showing growth in Results.
Tentative Timeline for Implementing New Model Anticipated Timeline Tentative Timeline for Implementing New Model SPRING 2016 State Board approves model. SUMMER 2016 KSDE sends regulations into legal vetting process. “Zero Year” begins. SPRING 2017 State Board adopts final regulations. SUMMER 2017 “Year One” begins. SPRING 2018 GROUP ONE systems receive official KESA rating.
Transparency District Report Card
Transparency School Report Card
Staggered Implementation