ERABEE 4th Workshop, Malta 16-17 November 2009 RESEARCH ACTIVITIES IN THE FIRST TWO CYCLES OF BIOSYSTEM ENGINEERING UNIVERSITY STUDIES AND RARE KNOWLEDGE IN POLAND Edmund Lorencowicz Department of Farm Machinery Exploitation and Management Faculty of Production Engineering University of Life Sciences in Lublin POLAND ERABEE 4th Workshop, Malta 16-17 November 2009
ERABEE 4th Workshop, Malta 16-17 November 2009 Implementation of new structure of study In Poland, at 10 public universities and one private studies are carried out in the field of agricultural engineering. Those are universities mainly in the field of agricultural (or life) sciences (8), two universities of technology and one private higher school. In all of these universities the Bologna system was introduced. The two universities are the first step of study, three two degrees and 6 leads complete course of three cycle study. ERABEE 4th Workshop, Malta 16-17 November 2009
ERABEE 4th Workshop, Malta 16-17 November 2009 In order to determine the details of the implementation of new structures study organization conducted a survey study among 10 institutions engaged in studies in this field. Detailed data were obtained from 7 universities (Tab1). ERABEE 4th Workshop, Malta 16-17 November 2009
ERABEE 4th Workshop, Malta 16-17 November 2009 Table 1. List of universities which provided data University Abbrevia-tion Faculty University of Technology and Life Sciences UTP Bydgoszcz Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Koszalin University of Technology PK Koszalin Agricultural University in Kraków (Cracow) UR Kraków Faculty of Production Engineering and Energetics University of Life Sciences in Lublin UP Lublin Faculty of Production Engineering University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn UWM Olsztyn Faculty of Technical Sciences West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin ZUT Szczecin Faculty of Environmental Management and Agriculture Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences UP Wrocław Faculty of Life Sciences and Technology ERABEE 4th Workshop, Malta 16-17 November 2009
ERABEE 4th Workshop, Malta 16-17 November 2009 Important changes or readjustment made during implementation Bologna process Just two universities have introduced changes to Bologna process related with local needs (Tab.2). These were mainly changes in relation to the developed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education field program (teaching standards). These standards are developed for the field "Agricultural and Forest Technology" (Agricultural Engineering) and take into account the requirements of the Bologna process. Teaching programs were adjusted to local needs. New specializations were introduced. ERABEE 4th Workshop, Malta 16-17 November 2009
ERABEE 4th Workshop, Malta 16-17 November 2009 Table 2. Implementation of new study structure in Poland Specification UTP Byd-goszcz PK Kosza-lin UR Kra-ków UP Lub-lin UWM Ol-sztyn ZUT Szcze-cin UP Wroc-ław Implementation of new study structure Y Important changes or readjustment N ERABEE 4th Workshop, Malta 16-17 November 2009
ERABEE 4th Workshop, Malta 16-17 November 2009 Organization of the three cycles study At the universities which leads three cycle studies organization of each stage is as follows: 1st degree (engineer) - 7 or 8 semesters, 210 ECTS, and 47-52 subjects, 2nd degree (MA “magister”) - 3 or 4 semesters, 90 ECTS, and 21-25 subjects, 3rd degree (Ph.D.) - 8 semesters, the number of ECTS is not set mandatory, from 5 to 12 objects. Currently only one university has completed the cycle of studies 1st and 2nd degree. In other first students graduate 1st degree in 2010, and on summer semester (March) may begin to second-degree studies ERABEE 4th Workshop, Malta 16-17 November 2009
ERABEE 4th Workshop, Malta 16-17 November 2009 RESEARCH RELATED ACTIVITIES IN THE 1st CYCLE In each university, students of the first stage may include the research (tab.3). Table 3. Opinion about the possibility of research activity 1st cycle students Specification UTP Byd-goszcz PK Kosza-lin UR Kra-ków UP Lublin UWM Ol-sztyn ZUT Szcze-cin UP Wroc-ław Possibility to collaborate or access to research activities - Y Possibility to access research position N Incorporating of elements of research approach in teaching ERABEE 4th Workshop, Malta 16-17 November 2009
ERABEE 4th Workshop, Malta 16-17 November 2009 Generally it is possible by acting in student research clubs (students scientific rings). These are organizations operating in the affiliating university students interested in deepening their knowledge of and participation in research activity. Sometimes, students may work as volunteers at the conduct of research, but mainly in maintenance (preparation equipment, measurements, questioners). There are no students employed in research projects. ERABEE 4th Workshop, Malta 16-17 November 2009
ERABEE 4th Workshop, Malta 16-17 November 2009 Depending of university the number of research clubs/sections in field of agricultural engineering is from 3 to 8 and the number of students actively working on a few to even 50 in a club (with two degrees of study). Dissertations/thesis/projects finalizing 1st cycle of study (engineer degree) are applicable and are oriented to the needs of the market/economy (farmers, producers, industry). ERABEE 4th Workshop, Malta 16-17 November 2009
ERABEE 4th Workshop, Malta 16-17 November 2009 Currently, it is not possible to obtain research positions for students 1st degree studies. It is not expected to change this situation after the introduction of the Bologna system of study. The 1st cycle study programs are introducing elements of research subjects, e.g. methodology or philosophy. ERABEE 4th Workshop, Malta 16-17 November 2009
ERABEE 4th Workshop, Malta 16-17 November 2009 RESEARCH RELATED ACTIVITIES IN THE 2nd CYCLE Second degrees studies are geared to the needs of the labour market and local needs of the research elements. In the second phase of the study the possibility of the involvement of students to research processes are larger (Table 4). Direct participation in research is possible through participation in student scientific clubs and in the performance of theses. All students must complete theses (MA), which are subject to the title of "Magister". Master's theses are research and defended the thesis are related to both practical problems (applicative) as well as scientific. ERABEE 4th Workshop, Malta 16-17 November 2009
ERABEE 4th Workshop, Malta 16-17 November 2009 Table 4. Opinion of the scientific activity of students second cycle Specification UTP Bydgoszcz PK Koszalin UR Kraków UP Lublin UWM Olsztyn ZUT Szczecin UP Wrocław 2nd cycle -professional/market oriented - Y N 2nd cycle - scientific oriented Obligatory research activity during the 2nd cycle Incorporation of elements of research approach Finishing the study with professional thesis Finishing the study with scientific thesis Involvement of industries in the research activities occasionally rarely Possibility to access research position ERABEE 4th Workshop, Malta 16-17 November 2009
ERABEE 4th Workshop, Malta 16-17 November 2009 Financing of research activity of students second cycle is possible in four ways: Scientific clubs are financed from funds earmarked for education, cultural and research activities of students, Theses are funded from university funds dedicated to their own researches, - It is possible to finance the research projects derived from outside the university, - Occasionally it happens financing by producers / industry. ERABEE 4th Workshop, Malta 16-17 November 2009
ERABEE 4th Workshop, Malta 16-17 November 2009 In the program of the second degree study outweigh subjects providing basic knowledge of research methodology as well as seminars and sessions of scientific clubs. All universities have declared that there is collaboration with industry/practice, but in many cases it was occasionally (tab.4). ERABEE 4th Workshop, Malta 16-17 November 2009
ERABEE 4th Workshop, Malta 16-17 November 2009 Currently, it is not possible transition from the first (engineer) to third (doctor) degree course. Ministry of Science and Higher Education prepares such a regulation to facilitate transition for students especially gifted. Second cycle students may have in the last semester to take a job as a research/teaching (assistant). Obtained the title of "Magister" is considered as first scientific degree. ERABEE 4th Workshop, Malta 16-17 November 2009
Proposals from university… RARE KNOWLEDGE Table 5. List of topics which could be of European interest Proposals from university… Topics PK Koszalin UR Kraków UP Lublin ZUT Szczecin sustainable agriculture ecological agricultural production ecoenergetics application of biological means for plant protection in ecological farming utilization of water resources for agricultural and food production purpose automation of production processes in closed facilities (production buildings) informatics service and steering of processes in food production small farms mechanization ERABEE 4th Workshop, Malta 16-17 November 2009
Table 6. List of topics which could be of Polish interest Proposals from university… Topics PK Koszalin UR Kraków UP Lublin ZUT Szczecin mathematical modeling of technological processes innovation of technical solution in agricultural production impact of the machinery on the environment safety and quality of food using of renewable energy equipment environmental and technological conditions of agricultural machinery using small farms mechanization farm machinery management ERABEE 4th Workshop, Malta 16-17 November 2009
ERABEE 4th Workshop, Malta 16-17 November 2009 The main platform of knowledge and research exchange in Poland is Thematic Network AgEngPol. ERABEE 4th Workshop, Malta 16-17 November 2009
Thank you for your attention ERABEE 4th Workshop, Malta 16-17 November 2009