How to navigate the ACCESS Project Website 1. Enter web address: This website provides numerous resources to students working on access points to ensure accessibility to grade level content. This website is also CONSTANTLY being updated with new materials and resources! Some of the resources provided include: Essential understandings - the concrete and representational understandings within each access point Content modules – mapping out the process of starting at the base of the content, introducing new vocabulary, and practicing the new skills learned Instructional Families – shows the alignments of the family among a grade bands from K-12 Element Cards – documents that provide ideas on how to teach the access points with instructional resources, supports, scaffolds, visual organizers MASSIs/LASSIs – systematic and scripted instruction for math and language arts activities with data collection and progress monitoring sheets Curriculum resource guides – provide guidance for teaching the Florida Standards to students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities (SWSCD) that both aligns with these standards and provides differentiation for individual student needs provide examples for differentiating instruction for a wide range of SWSCD these examples can be used in planning specific lessons, alternate assessment items, and professional development delineate the necessary skills and knowledge students need to acquire to master these indicators UDL Units – take general education lessons and universally design them for all learners Resources by Course – documents contain standards, access points and related resources Webinars are videos to inform the viewer on certain subjects like: Communicative Competence Universal Design for Learning Environmental Inventory Learner Characteristic Inventory
2. To locate math activities or resources, Select “Math Resources”
*example of math resources by course 3. To locate math resources by course scroll to the bottom of the math page. *example of math resources by course
4. To locate English/Language Arts activities or resources, select “ELA Resources” 5. To locate ELA resources by course scroll to the bottom of the ELA page.
In addition to the “ELA Resources” there are LASSIs for English Language Arts. Select “LASSIs” under the ELA tab.